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Contenu de l'offre Digital Project Manager H/F chez Viously

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Viously : A Growing Scale-Up

Viously's mission as a startup is to contribute to the gathering of performance, growth and responsibility in the online video field.

We provide publishers with a strong tech stack, a stock of content and a monetization solution in order to accelerate their video inventory.

To agencies and brands, we provide an optimized, safe and qualitative video experience - with a reduced environmental impact - through our dedicated advertising department.

Launched in 2017, Viously is already a partner of over 50 publishers in France and worldwide. In addition, we also have a range of agencies, trading desks and advertisers as partners.

The startup is located in Lille and Paris, has more than forty team members, and is expanding towards other countries.

Viously is part of Bricks Start-Up Studio.

Bricks is a Start-Up Studio based in Lille.

Bricks creates technological startups in the digital content and advertising industry.

We are always seeking new talents to help them grow ! Since its creation in 2016, 3 startups have been launched based on a unique and innovative idea !

Our startups (for now ;)) : Viously - Bababam - Actirise

Digital Project Manager, in a few words :
You will BE in charge of product monetization in order to ensure advertizing performance on our inventory.

As a Project Manager, your mission will BE to conduct connections between Player, Ad Servers and SSP. In addition, you will organize mediation between different sources and requests, and extend our inventory with data.

Your mission will also BE to organize, conduct and analyze the product development process. This position will BE under the responsability of our Head of Revenue.

Your missions at Viously :
- Managing monetization and revenues of products in an ad-tech environment
- Delivering products in sprints and organizing your scope through Jira tools
- Leading products organization and timeline
- Building the roadmap and prioritizing products
- Collecting and analyzing feedbacks from customers, stakeholders and other teams to shape requirements, features and products
- Testing and monitoring of products and features functional performance
- Conducting benchmarking analysis of similar projects and products
- Analyzing projects and products KPIs and report on their impact to your management and stakeholders
- Redacting of documentation

The ideal profil we are looking for :
- 2/3+ years experience in project management in an ad-tech/web/technical environment
- Strong data skills and proven ability to leverage analytics and quantitative methods to inform and influence decision-making
- Experience in developing and launching projects and products using SCRUM methodology, with a'test & learn' approach
- Knowledge of Jira tools will BE a great asset
- A first experience in a tech or data environment will BE appreciated
- Languages : French/English
Cpf final 4

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Digital Project Manager H/F
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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