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Contenu de l'offre Senior Product Owner chez Vulog

Nice (06) CDD, CDI

Every 2 seconds, someone starts a trip powered by Vulog.

Founded in 2006, Vulog is the pioneer and leader in shared mobility. We build the technology solutions that power the most successful shared mobility businesses around the world. Our solid track record has made us the preferred provider of industry leaders such as WeShare (Volkswagen), Wible (Kia Motors), Free2Move (Groupe PSA), Aimo (Sumitomo) and Evo (BCAA). Free-floating, round-trip, peer-to-peer carsharing, hybrid services or autonomous mobility pilots: all models are hitting the streets across the world with our smart and flexible SaaS mobility solution.

As we expand our global footprint across 5 continents (including - but not limited to - Toronto, San Francisco, Shanghai, Paris and Nice) our mission remains focused on fostering green mobility and positive change for people, cities and our planet.

Meet the team : DISCOVER VULOG

Job description

VULOG is seeking a talented Senior Product Manager.

You will work closely with engineers and develop new features to improve a suite of our products.

What you’ll do:

Develop a deep understanding of current and future customer needs Work with the Product Leader to define the overall strategy for your area to deliver against those needs. Be responsible for framing the problem and identifying the KPIs and metrics that will help you measure the success Size opportunities and set targets for the product that will meet business goals. Work collaboratively with a team of engineers, testers, POs and others to create products that delight our customers Be accountable for the end-to-end success of your product Communicate with multiple key stakeholders to keep them up to date and bought into your product development. Own the discovery stage - do the research, conduct user interviews, prioritize and find solutions. Set the go-to-market strategy. Take care of the organization, coordination and delivery plan. Mentor other product owners

Preferred experience


We need an experienced +4 years in Product Management or similar roles (PO, analyst) You master all product development steps, such as research, prioritization, user interviews, validation, delivery cycle. You have experience with SaaS products. Technical background and API definition is a clear plus Experience in payment systems is a plus You can multi task and work on 2-3 initiatives at the same time Naturally curious Incredible listener Natural collaborator and team player You are fluent in English

Cpf final 4

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