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Product Manager – Customer Data Platform

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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager – Customer Data Platform chez Wabel

Want to join a fast growing FMCG B2B marketplace and being at the heart of its development?
Want to work closely with the best manufacturers of Emerging brands products to help them grow their business globally?

So, join our international and dynamic team!

WABEL creates business opportunities between international purchasing groups and suppliers.

We offer sourcing services to 1,700 purchasing groups and 8,000 manufacturers that are trusting our company to grow their business with key accounts globally!

We are a team of 40 people. We are experiencing a strong growth and therefore we are looking for a Business Developer working within the Emerging brands department.

About the job

Data is the cornerstone of our business and your role is to define and implement our future data roadmap.

We have many data sources : our clients using our online platform and expressing their profile and needs, our sales and marketing teams collecting customer data through our CRM, external data sources…

We operate in a complex industry where there is a certain logic in stakeholders interactions, where taxonomy is essential to generate good matches.

You are comfortable in :

Structuring a customer data platform Cleaning data and orchestrating data and design processes to improve the performance of our clients and of our own sales and marketing teams Designing algorithms that can optimize real life business interactions Business intelligence and dashboarding You are interested in business and international trade, and are willing to translate business relationships in machine language, for the machine to enhance business people daily life, and help them to work smarter and faster You are also interested in data science, in particular in natural language processing

About the location: Paris

Paris 8 Champs Élysées

About you

You have a minimum of three years experience in a similar position.

Your Skills:

3+ years of professional experience in related position, M.S. or B.S. in Computer Science or a related field Ability to operate in a technical, product driven environment Excellent problem solving capabilities and strong analytical thinking Experience in developing/managing massive data collection & management system Experience of implementing or maintaining a CRM Strong Python software development skills, and good command of MySQL Working knowledge of typical agile tools (Docker, JIRA, Confluence, etc) Understanding of Agile/Scrum methodology. Experience of agile a plus Excellent communication skills to engage peers and senior leadership, and deliver results Proven leadership skills in people management including remote staff management, team-building practices Ability to build strong bridges with all other parts of the business, while effectively leading both upwards and downwards Business, international trade or FMCG experience/exposure is a plus Business-level English is mandatory

Benefits and Perks

Very competitive with unlimited commission plan Contract: CDI
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Product Manager – Customer Data Platform
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