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Contenu de l'offre Product Manager Games chez Warner Bros. Entertainment

The Product Manager Games will be responsible for the planning, development and execution of marketing and PR strategy for all games released in the territory, whether WBIE produced or pursuant to third party arrangements, targeting for the territory consumer and retail landscape, based on the global product strategy communicated by the Regional WBIE office :
Creates the strategy and executes all marketing and PR activities for the market throughout the product life cycle and collaborates to the territory forecasts : Brief agencies and co-ordinate activities across all areas of the marketing mix (media, PR, online, promotions, partnerships, etc) on each game to ensure best marketing communications plan for the title in the market ;
Responsible for the Media Plan construction with agencies and assets delivery ensuring best in class practices
Work with data analysts
Localisation and creation (where appropriate) of all marketing and PR materials ;
Sell-in of game title to the sales team via creation and delivery of engaging and educational sales presentations ;
Plan and execute Trade Marketing initiatives, including development of retailer-specific promotions and recommendations on optimum level of co-op spending by account ;
Evaluation of each marketing campaign, including post-release campaign analysis report.
Be a creative force in marketing and driving the business of the Digital Games portfolio (PC/consoles and mobile) ;
Ensures all WBIE marketing/PR activities across territory are consistent with WB brand and property guidelines and internal initiatives as well as maximizing value of such brands and properties in the videogame space. Does the same for third party brands as instructed by third parties pursuant to distribution or publishing agreements.
Assures marketing compliance with all videogame regulations (PEGI etc).
Assists as requested in coordination or communication regarding marketing/PR activities for WBIE licensed title launches in the territory ;
Close co-ordination with key internal personnel such as Sales, Operations, Finance and Research teams within the territory to achieve product goals ;
Responsible for complete budgetary management including establishing metric-driven objectives, raising Purchase Orders, and handling invoice Payments ;
Monitor marketplace and competitor activity and present key findings on a regular basis ;
Evangelize the gaming culture within the organization.
Cpf final 4

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