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Social media and content manager CDI

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One Million Sheet

Paris 15/09/2020
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Description de la société :

Plateforme de partitions de musique augmentées permettant aux musiciens amateurs et pros de trouver les chansons qui les font vibrer et de les jouer sur leur instrument. De la BO de Game of Thrones aux riffs de Jimmy Hendrix, vous trouverez des partitions adaptées à votre instrument et à votre niveau, et pourrez progresser à votre rythme et devenir le musicien que vous rêvez d'être.

Description du poste :

We are a multi-cultural team of 10 passionate people with the ambition of making music practice an essential part in everybody's lives. Sheet music is the written language of music allowing people to share the same emotions no matter where they come from. We want to help more people become musicians.

Connaissances appreciées :

  • At least 2 previous years in a similar position, managing accounts for B2C brands
  • Very comfortable with Photoshop, Sketch, Final Cut Pro or similar content creation tools
  • Great copywriting skills with zero tolerance for spelling mistakes
  • Close to native in French & English

You are passionate about music, ideally a musician yourself. You know how to make content stand out and posting on social media has become second nature.

Qualités et compétences:

  • Create and curate compelling content in accordance with our brand's graphic identity
  • Manage content publication calendar based on key musical events of the year
  • Define KPIs, track weekly progress and set action plan


Profil recherché :

We're looking for a social media and content manager who will bring the voice of our brand onto various social media channels and inspire more people to play music. The role will be initially based in our offices in Paris, with the possibility of part time remote working after the first 6 months and a relocation to London once we open our office there (depending on the covid situation).

As a B2C brand, our core channels are: Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube and Tik Tok. Video is the best channel to convey the magic of playing a song so we are specifically looking for people with video editing skills and experience managing Youtube, Tik Tok or IG TV accounts.

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