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Contenu de l'offre Web Content Editor(Freelancer) chez Dealmoon Group

Web Content Editor(Freelancer)





中文母语级别; 良好的法语书写及阅读能力;


Job description:


Promote online promotion of current fashion product discount information, and write a clear summary of the highlights;

Discover the current powerful product discount information, and recommend planting grass quickly and effectively;

Combined with existing discounted products, search for hot topics and write news bulletins;

Responsible for integrating discounts, product text, pictures, videos and other resources, as well as information collection innovation and content editing;

Product introduction, focusing on the discount content, and emphasizing the selling point of the product;

Analyze the promotion methods of merchants, and know the star products well;

Active and creative, able to plan and promote products in combination with current news hotspots, activities and events;

Job requirements:


Bachelor degree or above, working experience in new media marketing or Internet companies is preferred;

Possess strong word processing skills, and experience in new media editing is preferred;

Familiar with Weibo, WeChat,Red, and other new media operation and promotion models, those with successful media marketing planning and promotion success stories are preferred;

Familiar with Internet advertising, and social media marketing, and have unique insights into new media;

Ability to adapt to the fast pace of work in startups;

Overseas life experience, France or European life experience is preferred;

Native Chinese level; Good French writing and reading skills.

We believe that diversity is key to progress and innovation. We are committed to building a team that is diverse, welcoming, and supportive of people of all lived experiences. In order to help us achieve this, we encourage applications from people of all backgrounds.

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Web Content Editor(Freelancer)
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