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Content Manager Corporate & Brand [CDI]

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Contenu de l'offre Content Manager Corporate & Brand [CDI] chez Malt

75009 Paris 9e

Détails de l'annonce

We're looking for a creative brand content writer to build Malt’s online and offline brand awareness. This role will take full responsibility of our brand content strategy, including thought leadership, demand generation and PR content. He will be in charge of attracting and retaining our brand's audience and customers by telling Malt story and developing our media presence through content.

In addition, this role will work closely with the communication, PR, marketing and creative teams to ensure our messaging across all channels is consistent, on-brand and effectively communicates the value of Malt.

The challenges

Define and manage our brand and thought leadership content strategy, building a narrative and keeping Malt up to date with industry & societal trends Produce strategic content with high added value and broadcast it, ensuring strong online and offline presence, in different formats such as studies, reports, barometers, influencers interviews, copywriting for advertising, videos or other creative ways in order to generate thought leadership Adapt that content to various channels, ensuring declinations for lead generation and acquisition Create and optimize content for SEO in coordination with our SEO Manager Generate, edit, publish and share engaging and hot content daily on social media (e.g. original text, photos, videos, and news) Support the CEO and exec committee members in their speeches at corporate events (keynotes, workshops, round table...) and ensure the consistency of messages, working in tandem with our Communication & PR Manager Leverage internal teams to plan and manage organic content initiatives in order to rise employer advocacy Liaise with and direct external distribution partners, to provide augmented content for storytelling opportunities Maintain and document our evolving brand & thought leadership content thru CMS tools so that our international markets can use and re-apply

Profil recherché

3+ years experience in content writing experience

Experience creating content for web & offline channels to targeted audiences, including general public, corporate and high-net-worth audiences. Experience in B2B PR content tactics Resourceful, highly curious, and relentless in pursuit of bringing compelling stories to life Able to project-manage at scale, autonomously, with cross functional teams You know your way around tools like CMS and can edit videos Excellent communication and writing skills. Fluent in French and English...and good skills in Karaoké
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Content Manager Corporate & Brand [CDI]
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