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Contenu de l'offre Ecommerce Content Manager chez Pernod Ricard

Context around the position:

The Ecommerce Content Manager will be responsible for embedding in our business, impactful and scalable ecommerce initiatives along with retailers, markets companies and brand companies.

This role will have a specific focus on :

Manage the product information system

Help MarketCo’s & BrandCos Improve Pernod Ricard’s eretail presence with optimised content

Generating consideration, conversion to sales, consumption and advocacy

Support to markets on ecommerce initiatives

Use of the following technologies are included in the scope: PIM, DAM, & working with Group Analytics systems.

The role consists of

Primary HQ Ecom contact for Pernod Ricard Brand Companies

Coordinate with ecommerce teams at MarketCos to understand content deployment and drive for consistency

Managing the product information system by onboarding MCs and BCS

Ensuring Markets are aware of methodologies of optimised Ecommerce content

Facilitating development of proof of concepts and deployment of best practices

Defining Ecommerce guidelines for affiliates

Projects to evaluate content optimisation

Coordinate Strategies for Online Exclusives

Content strategies & Best practice sharing

Internal Capability development

Managing Direct to Consumer approach

Align and monitor progress across affiliates DTC ops by defining and monitoring shared KPIs and action plans & ensuring profitability is key priority.

The main responsibilities are :

Serve as the global in-house Ecommerce Content Manager

Coordinate and support MCs and BCs in their ecommerce initiatives

Find global synergies by sharing best practice throughout affiliates

Development of the group portfolio brand by developing assets, establishing shop in shop, …

Establish guidelines for Brand Companies to establish and tailor their online offer through: WL3F

Develop eretail content and creative banners

Drive forward mobile and social strategy on retailer websites

Budget day to day management

Manage the progression of Eretail Excellence: definition of KPI’s

Maximise current business and identify new opportunities

The profile required is:

Bachelor or Master degree with 2+ years of experience.

This role requires a strong business acumen, very good communication and influence skills, understanding of the broad digital marketing landscape, creativity, a passion for digital trends and technology, and project management experience.

Interest and knowledge of the category

Global coordination and collaboration

Experience in marketing and sales

Experience in managing various projects simultaneously; excellent project management skills

Experience in eCommerce is preferable

Strong reporting and presentation sills

Fluent in English

Team player

Excellent relationship building skills

Analytical skills

Customer focused


Results driven

Job Posting End Date:

Target Hire Date :


Target End Date :

Cpf final 4

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Ecommerce Content Manager
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