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Content Manager: Outdoor Industry Specialist

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Contenu de l'offre Content Manager: Outdoor Industry Specialist chez The Brandon Agency

We are seeking a versatile content marketer with experience in the outdoor/outdoor lifestyle industry. The Outdoor Content Manager will be primarily responsible for managing the organic social media and public relations/earned media efforts for a number of outdoor brands.

Outdoor industry experience may include working with brands in the fishing, hunting, boating, hiking, camping, golfing, gardening, outdoor cooking, watersports or apparel space and candidate should have a passion for the outdoor lifestyle and a deep understanding of the outdoor lifestyle audience. Must have a proven track record of developing content that resonates with this group and the ability to directly engage with them in a meaningful way.

Social Media experience should include managing the content creation for one or more brands in the outdoor space, including content calendar development, scheduling, posting, monitoring, responding, and reporting. Candidate should have a track record of increasing engagement across multiple social media platforms and driving steady growth.

Public Relations experience should include the ability to develop strong PR plans, build media relationships, develop custom media lists and targets, strong writing skills including writing press releases, media alerts, and pitches. Candidate should be well organized and be able to demonstrate strong communication skills.


3+ years working as a marketer in the outdoor industry Experience managing social media for multiple brands Experience managing PR/earned media for brands in the outdoor industry Excellent writing skills, including the ability to write blog posts, press releases, social media content, pitches and more. Experience developing PR plans and social media content calendars Excellent communications skills Familiarity with content marketing, and digital marketing tactics Proficiency with Google and MS word office products Relevant college degree

Job Type: Full Time

Salary: $60,000/yr. to $70,000/yr. based on skills and experince

Location: Any office (Myrtle Beach SC, Charleston SC, Orlando FL, Charlotte NC)

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Content Manager: Outdoor Industry Specialist
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