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Copywriter Assistant (Internship)

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Contenu de l'offre Copywriter Assistant (Internship) chez Vulog

Paris (75) Stage

Join the team of one of the most successful mobility technology companies in the world!

Every 2 seconds, someone starts a trip powered by Vulog.

Founded in 2006, Vulog is the pioneer and leader in shared mobility. We build the technology solutions that power the most successful shared mobility businesses around the world. Our solid track record has made us the preferred provider of industry leaders such as WeShare (Volkswagen), Wible (Kia Motors), Free2Move (Groupe PSA), Aimo (Sumitomo) and Evo (BCAA). Free-floating, round-trip, peer-to-peer carsharing, hybrid services or autonomous mobility pilots: all models are hitting the streets across the world with our smart and flexible SaaS mobility solution.

As we expand our global footprint across 5 continents (including - but not limited to - Toronto, San Francisco, Shanghai, Paris and Nice) our mission remains focused on fostering green mobility and positive change for people, cities and our planet.

Meet the team - DISCOVER VULOG

Job description

Based in Paris

Vulog is seeking a talented Copywriter Assistant Trainee for 6 months.

The Copywriter Assistant will work under the guidance of the Marketing & Communications Management Team (Content, Digital, Events & PR, Product) in order to deliver quality marketing content that raises brand awareness and generates leads. This position is based in central Paris where you will work with a dynamic, international team.

What we’re looking for:

Strong English writing, editing and proofreading skills Experience writing creative and compelling emails, editorial and online marketing material, as well as multichannel, 360° brand work (writing blog articles, editing & proofreading event PPT presentations, creating social platform content, transcribing videos, etc.) Use SEO principles to maximize copy’s reach Marketing intelligence: keep track of client, competitor and partner activity Officially enrolled as a student at an eligible university International work experience is a plus

What We Offer:

Opportunity to transform urban mobility and sustainability with the leader in shared mobility solutions Scale with a rapidly growing organization, with tons of opportunity for growth Work with a team of fun and motivated individuals Prime office location, “tickets restaurants” and unlimited coffee and tea!

Preferred experience

What you will bring to the table:

Strong English proficiency (working language at Vulog is English) Excellent communication, time management and prioritization skills “Start-up mindset” - you’re an autonomous “go-getter” & problem-solver Team player mentality: great interpersonal skills to work cross-collaboratively with different teams in a fast-paced environment

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Copywriter Assistant (Internship)
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