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Contenu de l'offre Web Developer chez AKQA

At AKQA, we believe in the imaginative application of art and science to create beautiful ideas, products and services. With an entrepreneurial and collaborative approach, we design adaptive digital services and applications that capture the imagination, delivering immersive experiences for our clients.

We are looking for an established practitioner of the latest web technologies; building best in class applications, serving users on the modern web landscape, whatever that may be.

Collaborating in a team of highly skilled people, each with strong opinions about various technologies, frameworks and approaches to delivery; you will need to communicate your ideas to your colleagues effectively, and articulate them to other internal stakeholders.

Collaborating and delivering on the promises of heavily experiential UI designs, often attempting what has not been attempted before; delivering the future of digital engagements with today's technologies. You will thrive when faced with new challenges and constantly seek to improve client deliverables and team learning.

Located in Paris, France, as part of the AKQA team, you will work in an environment that fosters a dynamic and meritocratic culture, surrounded by some of the brightest minds in their fields.


Work hands-on with the development of a range of solutions including website, web apps, CI pipelines, micro services. Inspire others to form an exemplary technical team. Work closely with others departments to ensure good collaboration across all disciplines and to facilitate the solving of day-to-day challenges. Champion effective technical decision-making for clients by understanding their business goals and objectives. Minimise technical risk and ensure a high-quality output. Mentor junior profile. Contribute to the overall team knowledge base by sharing proof of concept (POCs), articles and other contents during technical presentations. Provide technical answers to solve client problems.


3 years of experience in Node.js / React.js / Vue.js environments and development on large or complex code bases. Good understanding of the JavaScript and web application ecosystem. Comfortable with the SPA / SSR / Jamstack concepts. Knowledge of advanced animation techniques (CSS, SVG, springs, canvas...). Committed to performance, code quality, good practice and delivering high end products. Proficient with the GIT and its related tooling (branching flow, CLI commands etc.). Interest in mentoring of the developers (presentations, code-review, pair-programming etc.). Knowledge of design tools such as Sketch or Figma. Experience with design systems and its tooling (StoryBook). Familiarity with Atlassian Tools (Jira, Bitbucket, Confluence). Open minded and collaborative attitude. Understanding of Lean and Agile methodologies. Good organizational skills and methodical approach. Comfortable with the trade-offs of using different engineering solutions to a problem, favoring pragmatism over idealism. You have a collaborative spirit and you make a point of listening to different perspectives with an open-minded approach. Eager to work in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. Boundlessly creative and relentlessly attentive to detail. You proactively plan your activities according to goals and deadlines, while always ensuring a high level of quality. You demonstrate awareness and care about analytics and KPIs to improve the interface performance and a high level of accountability through the whole project lifecycle.

Nice to have

Knowledge of Cloud Solutions (AWS, Azure) and devops tools (Docker, Kubernetes). Development of 3D experiences (ThreeJS, Unity, Blender etc.). Experience with CI, CD and / or Unit Testing.

AKQA is an Equal Opportunities Employer, we believe that diversity is vital to AKQA's ability to provide our clients with the best recommendations and are committed to fostering a varied and inclusive work environment. Your race, colour, ancestry, religion, gender, gender identity, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability or veteran status have no bearing on our hiring decisions. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation, please let us know.

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Web Developer
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