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Lead Java Developer, CAST – software vendor - Paris / FRANCE

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Contenu de l'offre Lead Java Developer, CAST – software vendor - Paris / FRANCE chez CastSoftware

Lead Java Developer, CAST – software vendor - Paris / FRANCE

CAST is looking for Lead Java Developer with 4-10 years of experience in a software company.

CAST is the market leader in Software Intelligence. Its unique technology thoroughly examines the structure of complex software systems, with MRI-like precision. It delivers accurate, actionable, and automated views of software architecture, critical flaws, quality grades, sizing metrics, open-source usage, and cloud readiness levels. Hundreds of companies rely on CAST for greater objectivity in crucial business decisions, faster application modernization for Cloud, raising the quality and security of their custom software. CAST operates globally with offices in North America, Europe, India, China.

*EU relocation assistance available*
This role presents a great opportunity to work in our Paris office and be a part of CAST’s talented and driven R&D team. You will be encouraged to push boundaries, ask questions, and become a creative problem-solver.

CAST offers a relocation package, and we will make sure your move to Paris goes smoothly.

Job definition
Working at CAST R&D means being an important part of a highly talented, fast-paced, multi-cultural and agile team based in Paris (France) and Bangalore (India). The team builds a sophisticated source code analysis platform leveraging parsing, control flow, data flow and other mechanisms to fully understand the inner structure of the complex IT Systems developed and used by the Fortune 500 companies.

You, working as individual contributor, will be integrated in Platform Teams working on backbone of product CAST AIP.

You will collaborate to writing and designing new features and improve existing ones. You will participate on feature design and architecture review. You will ensure the code meets technical requirements, follows accepted coding guidelines, review code and merge when changes are done.
You will keep some bandwidth to keep an eye on new technologies and/or solutions for the team, building prototypes. You will mentor and help other developers and newcomers to improve their skills.

This position reports directly to the head of Platform Team in France.


The candidate should have a passion for technology and a flexible, creative approach to problem solving.

Strong experience with Java8+ (Lambda, Stream, Multi-threading etc).
Strong experience with Spring ecosystem (SpringBoot, MVC, Security, JPA, Cloud etc...)
Strong experience with relational databases and NoSql databases.
Strong understanding of RESTful and micro-service architecture.
Strong problem-solving skills.
Excellent English speaking and writing skills
Experience with container solutions like docker, kubernetes etc.
Experience with cloud solutions like AWS, Azure etc
Experience with CI/CD and scripting languages.
Experience within a product focused environment

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Lead Java Developer, CAST – software vendor - Paris / FRANCE
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