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Data Engineer (Remote)

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Contenu de l'offre Data Engineer (Remote) chez ConsenSys

Data Engineer (Remote)

Data Engineer

About ConsenSys Data

ConsenSys Data sits within Consensys Software Inc. to help address all our variants of data, break down silos, enable best practices, provide first rate resources, and accelerate our mission of becoming a cutting edge data driven organization. We are using a mix of providing some centralized data engineering functions as a shared service, while enabling our business units to make great data decisions with their own data functions.

ConsenSys Software Inc. is a wide organization with each individual business unit facing unique data challenges. Infura needs to provide real time analytics on top of a data pipeline doing billions of events per day. MetaMask Swaps needs to provide financial accounting for a purely on chain data source. Truffle needs to track developer engagement across the open source ecosystem.

We are looking for a data engineer to join our shared data engineering team, with a goal of helping to build, maintain and evolve our data warehouse to support the organization.

You will join a team to work with the business to ensure we have a first class data warehouse supporting our business units and our business decision making. Some of the key areas you will help ensure we are doing well are:

data quality
data governance
master data management


Understanding of the business and data strategy
Contribute to the collection, storage, management, quality, and protection of data
Implementing data privacy policies and complying with data protection regulations
Effectively communicate the status, value, and importance of data collection to executive members and staff
Knowledge of relevant applications, big data solutions, and tools
Knowledge of real time streaming data pipelines
Governance: Advising on, monitoring, and governing enterprise data
Operations: Enabling data usability, availability, and efficiency
Innovation: Driving enterprise digital transformation innovation, cost reduction, and revenue generation
Analytics: Supporting analytics and reporting on products, customers, operations, and markets

Who we’re looking for:

5+ years of work experience in an enterprise engineering domain
Excellent problem-solving skills and sharp attention to detail
Solid written and verbal communication skills
Proficient in Python programming and well versed with popular frameworks like Pandas, Flask, Airflow, Apache Beam etc.
Experience with any one cloud technologies i.e GCP, AWS or Azure (GCP preferred)
Hands on experience with Cloud function, Big Query, DataFlow, Cloud Run, Airflow etc.
Strong with Linux Commands and Shell Scripting
Experience with Docker & Kubernetes
Experience building CI/CD pipelines
Knowledge of any one SCM tools like Git, BitBucket etc.
Strong knowledge on Terraform scripting
Strong skills with writing SQL
Enthusiasm for shipping high-quality code and helping peers do the same
Proactiveness and be self-driven to be successful working in a remote environment
Understanding of web development practices and terminology
Relevant knowledge of cloud security and data security
A belief in our mission and values

Bonus points:

Blockchain expertise
Hands-on experience with Kafka
Hand-on experience with Apache Spark (py-spark preferred)
You’re a MetaMask user!

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Data Engineer (Remote)
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