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Data Scientist - France

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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist - France chez Dataiku

Dataiku’s mission is big: to enable all people throughout companies around the world to use data by removing friction surrounding data access, cleaning, modeling, deployment, and more. But it’s not just about technology and processes; at Dataiku, we also believe that people (including our people!) are a critical piece of the equation.
We're looking for two Data Scientists to join our EMEA and French Data Science team. This position can be based either in Paris or in Germany. At Dataiku, you will help our customers to build data science applications - from conception to deployment. You will get hands-on experience coding in multiple languages and applying the latest big data technologies to business uses cases. Our ideal candidate is comfortable learning new languages, technologies and modeling techniques, while being able to explain their work to other data scientists and clients.


Construct end-to-end data flows from raw data to predictions Crunch, analyze and investigate on any kind of data Explore new machine learning algorithms Build attractive visualizations Communicate results to non-technical colleagues and clients Provide data science expertise to sales, marketing and R&D teams


2+ years experience with R or Python 2+ years experience with predictive modeling Familiarity with data visualization in R or Javascript Understanding of relational data or SQL Native level in German, fluent in English.
Bonus points for any of these: Experience with PySpark, SparkR or Scala Experience developing WebApps Experience building APIs Experience with HDFS and NoSQL databases (MongoDB, Cassandra, etc) To fulfill its mission, Dataiku is growing fast (having just closed a $101 Series C round in December 2018 and looking to double in 2019), but still maintains a startup spirit. We’re proud of the culture we’ve built and are looking for sharp, knowledge-hungry, and vivacious doers to join the adventure.
To fulfill its mission, Dataiku is growing fast (having just closed a $101 Series C round in December 2018 and looking to double in 2019), but still maintains a startup spirit. Dataiku serves its global customer base from its headquarters in New York City as well as offices in Paris, London, Munich, Singapore, and Sydney. Each of our offices has a unique culture, but underpinning local nuances, we always value curiosity, collaboration, and can-do attitudes.
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