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Data-Scientist (Internship)

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Contenu de l'offre Data-Scientist (Internship) chez DEEPKI

75001 PARIS

Type du poste

Founded in 2014, Deepki supports real estate players in their transition to net zero and sustainability. To achieve this transition towards sustainability, Deepki helps realign stakeholders’ interests to build efficient strategies and transform real estate into a positive force for the planet.
Deepki is the only company offering a fully populated ESG data intelligence platform combined with expert advisory services. The company’s end-to-end solutions leverage data to improve ESG performance and enhance the value of real estate assets.
Key figures:
400M+ of sqm monitored
38+ countries where we operate
180k+ teqCO₂ savings detected
250+ references across the world
Deepki’s moto: “We say what we do & we do what we say!
What we’re looking for :
We are looking to grow our teams with talents that share our energy and motivation to accelerate the environmental transition at an international scale!
Our profiles are a mix of different backgrounds and experiences, all of whom work together in order to ensure the best possible user experience. To match Deepki’s mindset, it is important to be open and curious, with good listening skills. Joining Deepki means becoming a team player, and giving a purpose to your work by trying to save the world every day! ;)
Deepki: #ImpactForward

Within this Young Innovative Company, the Data-Scientist :
Carries out various statistical exploitations of databases (data integration, exploratory analyses, classification, modelling, dataviz, etc.);
Participates in the development of internal APIs (detection of anomalies, implementation of automatic alerts, recovery of open data bases, etc.);
Develops statistical tools and Proofs of Concept (PoC) based on the Lean Startup and Agile model;
Carries out R&D projects in relation with external research laboratories;
Communicates the results of its analyses to other teams.

Profil recherché
Statistical analysis and modelling (R, python...)
Skills in Data-Visualisation
Scientific rigour
Project management
Communication and pedagogy
Interest in Energy Efficiency

Job Type: Internship

Work Location: Multiple Locations

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Data-Scientist (Internship)
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