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Lead Developer / CTO - Paris (FR) - Mobile Video Games

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Contenu de l'offre Lead Developer / CTO - Paris (FR) - Mobile Video Games chez Digital Source

Are you a Developer that also want to work on the management side? Have you ever dreamed to work in the video games industry? Finally, are you ready to work on a platform that manages millions of users?

Then, you are in the right place. Our client based in Paris is looking for a Lead Developer / CTO.

Let’s get into the details!

Who is our client?

Our client is a start-up specialized in game development on iOS and Android platforms.

The young team wants to grow their business on the hyper-casual games.

With fast growth over the past recent years, their objective is to become a big player in the mobile game industry.

Your missions

As a Lead Developer and CTO, you will have a double-cap:

On one side, you’ll manage a team of Developers, the Data Departement and you’ll collaborate with many publishers that the company works with! On the other side, you’ll also be brought to use your developer skills to assist and support devs team

Your profile

The Lead Developer/CTO has at least 3 years of experience. Experience in a start-up environment is preferable but not required.

Hard Skills

You have strong experience with PHP/Laravel You have strong experience with MySQL and MongoDB libraries

Soft Skills

You speak fluently in English and French You have strong communication skills


You already have knowledge and experience with developing in both web and mobile


Competitive Salary Stock options Variables Team parties A friendly, international and dynamic environment

Are you interrested by this Lead Developer/CTO position? Then, send your CV and show us that you are the person that we need!

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Lead Developer / CTO - Paris (FR) - Mobile Video Games
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