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Senior Software Developer Lead

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Software Developer Lead chez EXFO

Senior Software Developer Lead

Systems Specialist – Big Data and Analytics

EXFO is looking for a System Specialist to provide expertise at the systems and technology stack levels for Big Data and Analytics systems

The position involves taking on responsibility for providing expertise in configuration, deployment, system dimensioning, and performance tuning of the components and technology stack of the SensAI platform.

The System Specialist will work closely with other senior members of the team to coordinate development and deployment activities across teams.

The ideal candidate has a strong background in software development for big data and cloud native applications, and experience in deployment aspects of the specific technologies of the SensAI technology stack.

Main Responsibilities

Take ownership of deployment aspects one or more large components of the SensAI technology stack. This includes configuration, deployment, system dimensioning, and performance tuning
Acquire and maintain technical leadership in one or more areas of the SensAI technology stack
Collaborate with other senior members of the development team to coordinate activities across teams

What we’re looking for

Technical Skills

A strong background in deployment aspects of big data technologies ( e.g., Kafka, Spark, no-SQL databases)
Specific experience with DRUID is highly desired
Knowledge of containerization and Kubernetes is highly desired
Experience with application deployment to the cloud is a definite plus
Some knowledge of Telecom monitoring applications would be a definite asset

Required Aptitudes

Self-reliant and autonomous
Strong technical skills
Ability to learn on a continuous basis
Ability to communicate effectively verbally, and through writing
Passion and curiosity

Must Haves

Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related field, or equivalent experience
Ability to work in English is a must; being bilingual in English / French is a definite asset
Ability to work remotely effectively, as part of a hybrid work from office / work from home scheme

Cpf final 4

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Senior Software Developer Lead
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