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Marketing Data Scientist

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Contenu de l'offre Marketing Data Scientist chez FXCM

FXCM is a leading provider of online foreign exchange (FX) trading, CFD trading, spread betting and related services. The company's mission is to provide global traders with access to the world's largest and most liquid market by offering innovative trading tools, hiring excellent trading educators, meeting strict financial standards and striving for the best online trading experience in the market. Position: Marketing Data Scientist We're looking for a Marketing Data Scientist to join our Data Science and Analytics team. The role would help the business to solve problems through the analyses of data to provide intelligence and drive marketing related decisions. You would assist in identifying patterns and relationships in data, pro-actively finding, investigating and providing solutions to drive growth and increase transparency in all aspects of our marketing metrics. Work may involve development of data models, data visualization, algorithms and automation scripts. Primary Responsibilities (not limited to): Working with marketing data from the main platforms (Google Analytics and Ads/Display network, Facebook, Twitter etc.) Working with various marketing related models (segmentation, LTV, campaign attribution, A/B testing) Using statistical, analytical and visualization skills to generate insights Automating regular work flows
Qualifications: Must be eligible to work in Israel English - Fluent (written and verbal) Minimum of 2 Years' Experience working with Marketing / Data Science Experience working with Python and/or R Experience working with SQL Experience working with Version control software such as git Strong desire to learn new analytical skills and techniques Self-motivated and able to work independently Able to work efficiently with international staff Analytical mind and good problem solving skills Able to deal with ambiguity in defining activities and direction Proactive and persistent
Office Location: Har Hotzvim, Jerusalem (Work is from home until government restrictions are lifted.) Hours: Full Time 42.5 hours per week. Either: Sunday - Thursday, 8am-4:30pm OR Monday-Thursday, 8am-5pm, Fridays, 8am-2:30pm (Summer) / 7am-1:30pm (Winter)
Prior to submitting your resume, the firm requests that you do the following: Review the firm's website thoroughly:

To apply send your CV in English to:

Equal Opportunity Employer

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Marketing Data Scientist
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