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Contenu de l'offre Developpeur C++ chez Getpro


Description : This startup is the first French crypto market maker.

As a leading European market maker working with 300 counterparties globally whether they are “crypto-native” or from the traditional financial industry, they generate deep liquidity that helps to create more efficient markets. Their liquidity is powered by innovative, proprietary technology and designed to automate market making and post-trade processes.

Their aim is to provide the best in-class trading and technology solutions to enable the next wave of financial markets digitization.

Année de création : 2018

Coeur business : [Fintech]

Nombre de collaborateurs : 8

Localisation : Paris



Everyone in the company is a self-starter and owns their tasks and schedule. As a member of the team, you would have “carte blanche” to achieve your goals and fulfill your mission with the added support, network and knowledge of everyone else.

The company is looking for a passionate C++ developer to join their team in Paris. The role is cross-functional, where you will find yourself working closely with our trading team.

Your missions may include:

Implement new API into our proprietary infrastructure

Design and implement their new architecture infrastructure

Help in implementing and optimizing their electronic trading infrastructure



Strong academic background with an MSc/MEng in CS and more than 3-year experience ideally in high frequency trading

Strong C++ development skills

Knowledge in AWS or GPC stack would be appreciated

Experience in memory management

Experience in database performance, deployment and management: TimescaleDB, Redis, KDB

Experience in high concurrency API and real time application

Experience in Kafka, RabbitMQ

Experience : 5 - 10 ans
Cpf final 4

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Developpeur C++
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