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Data Scientist Project

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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist Project chez Groupe Rocher

Data Scientist Project

Do you want to become part of mission driven company that reconnects people to Nature? Ready to discover a new opportunity at Rocher Group?

Join Yves Rocher brand! “From the plant to the skin” - we control the entire lifecycle of our products. Becoming an Yves Rocher employee means being part of a network of passionate and positive people, committed to protecting biodiversity while serving on the best possible way to our costumers.

Job based in Issy-Les-Moulineaux (France) - Société LBV

The world is changing, transforming and Yves Rocher is fully aligned with this evolution. Together with the Data for Business Team, come and write a new page of Yves Rocher history!

Your mission:

You want to be a data player, you know all that data can bring and you want to contribute to the creation of a new data team, focused on business, that's why:
You implement our customer referential and ensure that it is properly synchronized with all our tools (website, store checkout, back-offices)
You use this repository to improve our customer knowledge through studies using all of our sales and contact channels
You guarantee the quality of our data, allowing us a perfect relationship with our customers
You improve the quality of our data by implementing customer deduplication and data enrichment tools
You work hand in hand with the brand's Central Teams: in case of problem, you help to find the source, work on the solution, and implement it

This offer is made for you if:

You have a good knowledge of SQL and Python.
You have a first experience in Data Science/Data Engineering in a Big Data environment
You have a good practice of English allowing you to evolve in an international context
You like responsibilities and want to be our data quality referent
You work effectively with other departments, even if they are non-expert of data and you are our ambassador to improve our processes
You are persistent and results-oriented: with you, our problems find a solution!

Ready to make positive changes with us? Don't wait and apply!

Rocher Group welcomes all talents and carefully analyzes each application with the same attention regardless gender, sexual orientation, age, origin, or disability. We are convinced that diversity makes our Groupe stronger. Come and discover our values at:  

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User Experience Designer, expert en Millennial, YouTuber ou encore chauffeur de VTC ; les dix ans de technologie que nous venons de vivre...

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Nous vivons dans un monde hyper connecté, où de plus en plus d'entreprises fournissent des ordinateurs portables et des smartphones dans...

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Comment utiliser les algorithmes pour booster sa carrière ?

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Si les algorithmes régissent notre vie virtuelle, ils peuvent également être de véritables atouts pour gagner en performance et en...

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Data Scientist Project
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