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Fullstack Developer [Ruby on Rails] [React.js]

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Contenu de l'offre Fullstack Developer [Ruby on Rails] [React.js] chez Happy Scribe


Happy Scribe’s mission is to democratize the use of speech to text technology. We provide a transcription-as-a-service platform for the research and media communities.It all started when André was too busy (or lazy) to transcribe a few interviews for an academic research at Dublin City University. With Marc, his housemate, they started to work on a solution using voice recognition tech that would help researchers and journalists. After only one year, Happy Scribe is already being used by more than 10,000 journalistsand researchers in more than83 countries.

We are hiring our first employeeand it might be you. If you want to solve one of the biggest problems of the news and academic industry, apply.


Your mission will consist of helping us to build the future of Happy Scribe. You’ll be responsible for building cross-device experiences with cutting-edge web performances such as a marketplace. You will also be responsible for optimizing our current solution. Above all, the end user will be at the heart of how you design our products. You always want to offer the most efficient, reliable and ergonomic web applications possible.

By joining Happy Scribe today, you will actively contribute to brainstorming, technology roadmap, and strategy sessions.


Being based in the European Union.Fluent in English. (Other language is a +)Knowledge ofReact, HTML, CSS & Markup languagesKnowledge of Ruby & Ruby on Rails is a plus.Being a motivated and talented engineer.Being self-driven and eager to learnWilling to travel on a monthly basis.


Salary: €35K-€40K

Stock options in the company (To be defined)

Job Type: Full-time

Salary: 35,000.00€ to 40,000.00€ /year


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Fullstack Developer [Ruby on Rails] [React.js]
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