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Senior Data Engineer H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Senior Data Engineer H/F chez Kayrros

Senior Data Engineer H/F

Passionate about tech? Interested in energy and climate action? Join Kayrros, a tech scale-up using artificial intelligence and satellite imaging to fight climate change and transform the world’s biggest industries.

Kayrros is a leading environmental intelligence company at the forefront of climate action that uses AI, satellite imaging, geolocation data and other sources of information to accomplish three main missions: reduce greenhouse gas emissions; protect people, assets and ecosystems from climate risks (flooding, wildfires); and facilitate and accelerate the energy transition.

Our team of experts and tech wizards is working to bring near-realtime transparency to energy and the environment, from crude oil inventories and solar energy to methane emissions, wildfire risks and afforestation. In just six years, the Kayrros team has grown to 150 experts in data science, mathematics and energy, representing over 20 nationalities and 10 spoken languages. The team works from six offices across three continents: our Paris headquarters, New York, Houston, London, Singapore and Bangalore. Our ~100+ clients including a wide range of stakeholders including government regulators and policymakers, international organizations, energy companies, asset managers, insurance companies, lending banks, trading companies and civil society.

Just in the last few months, Kayrros was recognized as a member of French Tech 2030, crowned by TIME magazine as one of the TIME100 Most Influential Companies in the world, by the Financial Times as a Tech Champion and by Fast Company as one of the five Most Innovative Companies in energy and the environment. Kayrros is the main data supplier to the UN Environmental Program’s International Methane Emissions Observatory (IMEO) and was acknowledged in the latest UNEP Global Methane Assessment report.

Kayrros is expanding its team of talented people dedicated to positively disrupting the world’s biggest industries and shaping the future of energy and the environment.

Join us to make a difference!

We are currently recruiting for our Paris office, a Senior Data Engineer M/F (CDI)

The Team

The Data Engineering Team is in charge of developing Kayrros key software components for remote sensing data processing as well as elaborating and running the pipelines that power Kayrros Products.

The team has a specific focus on Earth observation data (optical, sar, lidar) and geolocation data.

What you will do

As a Data Engineer, you are in charge of:

Work with remote sensing, geospatial and machine learning engineers to integrate and scale their algorithms,
Design, implement and operate of large-scale imagery and data pipeline on Kubernetes,
Develop internal shared libraries to ease creation and maintenance of data pipelines,
Perform solution trade-off w.r.t maintenance, cost, scalability and robustness.

You will have a transverse role in the development of Kayrros technologies, from domain specific algorithm design to production deployment.

You will work with the full range of data sources used at Kayrros (optical, SAR, hyper-spectral).

Ideal candidate

At least 5 years experience in Data Engineering.
Experienced Python engineer (pytest, numpy, typing, etc.).
Knowledge of Kubernetes and Docker.
Knowledge of at least one public cloud provider (AWS, GCP, Azure) and its managed services (S3, SQS, Lambdas, etc.).
Knowledge in PostgreSQL and schema design.
Experience with at least one workflow scheduler and orchestrator (Argo, Airflow, etc.).
Can communicate clearly in English.

Appreciated skills

Already developed image processing pipelines.
Familiar with the geospatial open source ecosystem (GDAL, rasterio, proj, …)
Familiar with new data formats (geoparquet, cloud optmized geotiff, etc.).
Knowledge of golang.

Why join Kayrros?

We are a young tech company and are extremely passionate about what we do.
We are located in the WeWork building on Rue la Fayette, 75009.
You will work with an international team and practice your English (or Chinese, German, Swedish, Portuguese...) on a day to day basis.
We are creating products to make better decisions for the environment and climate.

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