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Lead Developer - Backend Javascript - (H/F) CDI

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Contenu de l'offre Lead Developer - Backend Javascript - (H/F) CDI chez Netco Sports

Company Description

At Netco Sports we bring our expertise to help empower digital strategies with innovative experiences. We work with Sport and Media key players and help them engage with their audience. Since 2008 we have designed, developed and delivered innovative solutions and digital services to create memorable multi-platforms experiences for our clients and their fans. Netco Sports becomes recognized leader in sports applications, top-ranked in all stores. Our recruiting policy aims to attract the most skilled people we can find to support our growth and development!

Job Description

We are looking for a lead developer to work on creating / supporting backend services for worldwide famous customers in the area of sport and broadcasting. The backend team is made up of 8 developers: 4 in Paris, 1 in Biarritz, 3 in Minsk. In your position, you will manage projects and the developers working on it. You will also have to work closely with the project managers, they are the customer entry point. Finally, you will work with backend team leaders to discuss technical choices, manage planning and try to shape the team in the best possible way.

General Responsibilities

Build reusable backend components for future usage. Ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of our services. Maintain quality and style of code, build and test automatization. Improve quality and performance of existing services.

Technical responsibilities

Implement micro service infrastructure (Docker/Kubernetes) Implement serverless infrastructure (lambda applications) Implement Node JS application Implement Express API. Third party integrations such as - Statistic Data provider (PERFORM STATS, OPTA, OPTA SD, GRACENOTE). Push Notifications service (ex: One Signal, Batch, Urban Airship, Firebase Cloud Messaging, and so on). Connected devices (Fitbit, Strava, Suunto, and so on).


Skills And Qualifications

Must Have

At least 3 years of experience in equivalent position Knowledge of ECMAScript 2018+. Experience with Express. Experience with PostgreSQL (sequelize). Experience with AWS CLI. Experience with Bash. Experience with GIT. Intermediate English.

Good to have

Experience with AngularJS v1 and/or ReactJS. Experience with TypeScript. Experience with DynamoDB. Experience with Lambda. Experience with Kubernetes & Docker. Experience with JIRA & Confluence environment.


Type d'emploi : Temps plein, CDI

Salaire : 35 000,00€ à 50 000,00€ /an

Avantages :

Horaires Flexibles RTT Titre-restaurant Travail à Distance

Horaires :

Du Lundi au Vendredi

Rémunération supplémentaire :

Commissions Primes


developer - backend javascript - (h/f) cdi ou similaire: 2 ans (Requis)


Anglais (Souhaité)
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Lead Developer - Backend Javascript - (H/F) CDI
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