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Full Stack Web Developer

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Contenu de l'offre Full Stack Web Developer chez Nielsen

Bezons (95) Think about the billions of purchases that consumers make every single day around the world. Imagine trying to make sense of the trillions of data points that represent these purchases. From a family doing online shopping for household essentials to a quick run to the supermarket, Nielsen is measuring the entire consumer path to purchase.
Nielsen is a multinational company working with the world’s largest brands across the world to inform them on where and how their best customers are shopping. The challenge is that this is a moving target and a complex problem. The commerce landscape is shifting today from brick and mortar to online shopping - and only Nielsen has the span of data to make sense of what drives a consumer to make their purchases.


So where do you fit here? In Nielsen Technology, we process over 250 terabytes of data every single day, manage it in the latest cloud technology, and build best-in-class analytical tools to add transparency and efficiency to the consumer goods market at a scale that no other company is able to achieve.
We’re looking for Engineers with experience in Angular and Java Full Stack. If you have a passion for building top-notch, scalable products and have Angular and Java experience, we’re looking for you to join us in our Paris Technology Hub!

What would you do:
Write complex code to develop scalable, flexible and user-friendly mobile applications
Analyse and develop intuitive UI components, Web pages & Reporting using Angular
Develop User interfaces for Modern Rich Internet Applications with the latest Front End Technologies
Perform analysis and development tasks of increasingly complex nature which may require extensive research and analysis
Analysing and developing corresponding web services on server side (including database layer).
Creating self-contained, reusable, and testable modules and components
Develop application code and unit test using tools like Jasmine & Karma
Ensure ongoing Angular upgrades in a complex environment
Experience of configuration management tools (GIT), configuration concepts and continuous integration tools (Jenkins / Bamboo)

We are looking for people with:
A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science or related field
3 + years of software development experience
Strong Experience in Angular 7 & above, Java, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3
Able to write automated unit test cases in Jasmine & Karma
Experience in Web Services, Database Oracle 12c
Working experience in a Scrum/Agile environment
Working knowledge of tools like Bitbucket & JIRA
Manage Pull Request (PR) and code review process



We’re in tune with what the world is watching, buying, and everything in between. If you can think of it, we’re measuring it. We sift through the small stuff and piece together big pictures to provide a comprehensive understanding of what’s happening now and what’s coming next for our clients. Today’s data is tomorrow’s marketplace revelation.

We like to be in the middle of the action. That’s why you can find us at work in over 100 countries. From global industry leaders to small businesses, consumer goods to media companies, we work with them all. We’re bringing in data 24/7 and the possibilities are endless. See what’s next with us at Nielsen:
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Full Stack Web Developer
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