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IT Contract & Vendor Specialist

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Contenu de l'offre IT Contract & Vendor Specialist chez Pernod Ricard

IT Contract & Vendor Specialist

Job aim:

Within Pernod Ricard global IT organization, in strong partnership with the IT solutions, IT operations and IT governance teams, legal and finance departments, as well as other functional departments and Pernod Ricard affiliates, the IT Contract & Vendor Specialist is responsible for getting the best possible agreements and solutions with key vendors and managing the long-term relationship with strategic suppliers, in line with Pernod Ricard IT and digital strategy.

In order to achieve these objectives, the Procurement Specialist will:

Participate with IT and other functional teams in selecting IT and digital suppliers and managing long term relationship,

Negotiate contracts, on commercial, financial and legal terms, in order to get the best possible agreement,

Onboard Pernod Ricard affiliates to leverage Group contract with global vendors,

Periodically assess IT vendors, and organize key IT vendor procurement business reviews

Manage contract renewals, especially SaaS contracts,

Manage IT vendor audits,

Monitor KPI to evaluate IT Procurement achievements,

Roles and responsibilities:

IT contract lifecycle:

With other key stakeholders, will optimize and propose solution and ways of working to optimize contract life cycle processes.

With Legal and IT teams and end users, manage all evolutions of the commercial and financial terms as well as any perimeter change, from signature until the end of a contract.

Negotiate best possible deals at each contract or statement of work renewal.

Manage contract renewals, especially SaaS contracts.

Vendor Management:

With other key stakeholders, will optimize and propose solution and ways of working to optimize vendor management processes.

Manage a continuous relationship with strategic vendors.

Anticipate any risk related to changes int IT strategy or in key vendor policies, offering or services or due to scope reduction.

With the assistance of IT teams (Group and affiliates), manage global IT vendor audits.

Contract negotiations:

Contribute to the RFP/RFI and solution selection in line with the IT Strategy.

Lead commercial and financial negotiations with IT and finance teams, affiliate and end users of the solution.

Contribute to the legal negotiations with legal teams.

Leverage Group contracts whenever a more global approach bring benefits to Pernod Ricard.

Negotiate all key evolutions of existing agreements.

Scope and perimeter:

IT and digital solution providers - from sales rep up to commercial VP / CFO / CEO.

Business trip from times to times, otherwise, based in Paris or in Pernod Ricard affiliate

Profile required:

Education required: Master (engineering or business school / university; Computer science or IT procurement and sourcing or related fields preferred) / post-graduate training is a plus.

Language required: French and English

Work experience required:

Minimum + 2 years in IT procurement role, preferably within a large international group, with IT contract negotiations and large IT vendor management experiences. Knowledge of IT market sourcing.

Ideally, also some knowledge in IT delivery, IT operations or IT project management. Overall knowledge of IT organization and procedures, IT delivery, digital technologies.

Ability to interact with other departments, end users and various corporate profiles. Customer oriented. Team lead.

Some autonomy and capacity to grow. Ability to solve complex problem.

Excellent verbal, written, planning and organizational skills, time management, decision making, conflict solving and interpersonal skills.

Job Posting End Date:

Target Hire Date:


Target End Date:


Location: Paris

Type: Full time

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IT Contract & Vendor Specialist
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