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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist chez Plume Labs

Paris (75)

We are Plume Labs, the makers of Flow, leaders in the fight for air quality across the globe, and 2019 honourees of Fast Company's Most Innovative Companies awards. We exist because every year, across every border on this planet, air pollution causes more than 7 million premature deaths. A problem of such magnitude should inspire sweeping change, but it doesn’t - that's what we're trying to fix.

How we're going to do it: information. Information that educates, that helps protect and that helps act. Our mobile app, the Plume Air Report, provides real-time and forecast air quality levels around the world to help you beat the smog. Our personal air quality tracker Flow senses pollutants around you to help you avoid them at home and on the go – and crowdsource highly valuable hyperlocal maps in the process. Our global atmospheric pollution API gives businesses and academic teams access to our unique AI-powered air quality forecasts data platform.

Your missions

As a Data Scientist, you will be part of the 4 people team developing Plume Labs’ data related products. You will collaborate with R&D engineers to implement Machine Learning based solutions for our air quality tracker as well as improve Plume Labs’ air quality data platform, which feeds our other products: our consumer app Plume Air Report and our API for professionals.

The data platform provides air quality predictions worldwide a few days in advance with the best possible spatial resolution, from street-level predictions in large cities to less granular predictions in rural areas. The data platform is developed jointly by Plume Labs’ Data Scientists, Atmospheric Scientists and Software Engineers.

It relies on state-of-the-art approaches for air quality modeling:

Deep learning approaches are used to model air quality spatial and temporal variability (CNNs) Results of dispersion models run by atmospheric science labs are integrated in the platform Latest mapping tools are used to produce nice visualizations served to our community (Mapbox,,

In this context, you will be responsible for:

Developing and improving our deep learning approaches used to model air quality in spatial and temporal scale Creating data workflows to feed our API Collaborating with R&D engineers to develop AI based solutions for our air quality tracker Implementing your solutions in production in collaboration with software engineers Keeping up-to-date with the latest technology trends

Air quality predictions in Paris

Air quality predictions in London


1+ year of experience as a data scientist Strong background in math (probabilities, statistics, optimization, …) Hands-on experience designing and building machine learning models and workflows Deep knowledge of the Python ecosystem for machine learning (Numpy, Pandas, Sklearn, Keras, ...) Comfortable with Linux and Git commands Able to communicate your work effectively with diverse interlocutors: Data Scientists, Software Engineers, R&D engineers but also Marketing & Design experts


Experience applying deep learning to real world problems Knowledge of coding best practices, including CI/CD and agile development Experience using the main database technologies (MySQL, Hadoop, …)


ou will be working on subjects that matter! You will have responsibilities and autonomy A challenging and energizing environment in the heart of Paris with colleagues from 8 different nationalities, and the fast pace of a 25+ person startup
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