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Data Scientist Building Simulation - AI Solutions

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Contenu de l'offre Data Scientist Building Simulation - AI Solutions chez Schneider Electric

The Artificial Intelligence Hub is looking for talents to contribute to the design, development and deployment of Simulation based applications for validation or as a component of Schneider Electric product and service offers in the Energy Management domain. These applications relate to:

market studies of new business offers validation platforms for solutions design & sizing tools digital twin applications for performance follow-up, fault detection and diagnostic generation of data for training of Artificial Intelligence components operator training and assistance simulation based control

Missions include:

contributions to state-of-the-art monitoring, technological watch and experimentation of existing building simulation tools and new technologies, to improve products and services as well as development practices within the company contributions to the identification and evaluation of potential simulation usages and external partners, with a special focus on integration of building control and AI components with simulation development, calibration and validation of building simulation models and the capacity to integrate these models into applications, by co-simulation or other methods contributions to intellectual property protection, capitalization of knowledge, and internal and external communication on Simulation and Artificial Intelligence applications


Master or PhD or equivalent diploma in Energy Systems or Building Engineering, with a focus on energy management and simulation. Ideally, some knowledge of Building Management Systems, automation and data processing. Software engineering skills/experience: capacity to perform coding, debugging, testing (including unit tests, functional tests, and integration tests) and troubleshooting throughout the application development process and in agile mode. Ideally, some knowledge in Matlab/Simulink, Python, version control. Orientation towards solving problems, achieving results, and applying technology to real-life business cases. Effective communication skills (convincing with words, impacting with data, and influencing with visuals). Autonomy AND capacity to cooperate. Openness of mind AND scientific rigor. Fluent English.

IT Environment:

Programming Languages: Python , Matlab/Simulink, Modelica, R, Object-Oriented Languages (Java, C++, C#, JavaScript) Cloud Platforms: Microsoft Azure , AWS Tools: Kubernetes (AKS), Databricks, Docker, Spark, OpenDataSoft, Git

Primary Location


Other Locations



: Full-time

Unposting Date

: Dec 31, 2022, 11:59:00 PM
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Data Scientist Building Simulation - AI Solutions
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