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Contenu de l'offre LEAD DEVELOPER chez SKULT

Hey! We’re looking for a full-time Lead Developer to drive the emergence of an ambitious project at the crossroads of Gaming and Blockchain technology!

You will be part of a newly formed team that has the ambition to completely disrupt the world of gaming visual entertainment through blockchain technology! The objective: gamify and foster interactivity in video game streaming!

If you’d like to fully invest yourself in an inspiring project, and share your day to day with a passionate and fun A-Team, SKULT is made for you! Several interesting challenges are standing in front of us: it will be definitely worth it!

Your Mission (should you choose to accept it)

Drive and participate in the construction of a stable, scalable and secured infrastructure, with optimal performance Define the technical strategy for the features on which you and you team will be working Participate in the development of these features Train, develop and supervise the developers of you team Define methods, good practices and standards that will be used by the entire technical team

< > The Stack

App Stack:

Node.js, Express, React, Typescript RabbitMQ PostgreSQL, MongoDB GraphQL

CI/CD Stack:

AWS Github ClickUp Docker Kubernetes


Vercel Amplify



A huge + (but not necessary) : Exp in Blockchain/Smart contract

Who we’re looking for

You love to code, but you also like to supervise a team and be the driving force in the creation process of a product! Regardless of the background, academic or self-taught, above all we’re looking for someone who wants to create!

You have 5-7 years of experience in software development Strong back-end & DevOps skills Notions of front-end development and modern frameworks (e.g. React) You know and believe in blockchain technology Past experience as a technical team lead manager You love enabling people to grow, both technically and in terms of methodology You speak (almost) perfect English… but French is a must You are a Git Master! You are a big fan of Gaming and knowing the Streaming world would be an important asset

Type d'emploi : Temps plein, CDI
Statut : Cadre

Salaire : 42 000,00€ à 55 000,00€ par an

Avantages :

Horaires flexibles RTT

Horaires :

Du Lundi au Vendredi Repos le week-end Travail en journée

Rémunération supplémentaire :

Prime semestrielle


Technologies de l'information: 4 ans (Optionnel)


Anglais (Optionnel)
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