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Contenu de l'offre Web Developer Intern chez Tilak Healthcare


We are looking for a talented web developer to join Tilak and help us to build the future of digital medicine, making medical games with stand-out production values, heart and broad appeal that will help people.

As part of the Online Department, you will work on developing and improving the front-end part of our websites.

Within this framework, your main tasks will include :
Determining the structure of web pages with the design team.
Developing features to enhance the user experience.
Striking a balance between functional and aesthetic design.
Building reusable code for future use.
Optimizing web pages for maximum speed and scalability.
Producing relevant documentation and report to your Lead dev

Candidate Profile

+6 months of professional experience in front end web development
Bachelor's degree in computer science, computer engineering or similar fields or equivalent experience.
Web scripting experience : PHP/Twig/HTML/Bootstrap/JS
Experience with the Symfony (or similar) framework
Good knowledge of Linux/Unix environment would be a plus.
Independent, dynamic, thorough, and enjoying working as part of a team.
Good English.

Additional Information

Why join Tilak ?
Opportunity to work with a small team of experienced game developers, top talent, passionate gamers, and outstanding scientists.
Easy-going, enthusiastic, fun and at the same time a very results-driven culture
Central and attractive offices in Paris
Free coffee and drinks !
Be part of something meaningful, in other words, the opportunity to change the world ?

And above all, motivation, and a passion for games !

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Web Developer Intern
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