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Contenu de l'offre Web Developer chez Transaction Network Services

Paris (75)

The role of the Web developer is to create and maintain the full stack web solution from end user back-office interface, to relational database through our REST API.


Write well designed, testable, efficient code by using best software development practices Create and maintain website layout/user interface by using standard HTML5/CSS3 practices Create and maintain clean REST API interface Integrate data from various back-end services and databases Create and maintain software documentation Stay plugged into emerging technologies/industry trends and apply them into operations and activities


Proven working experience in web programming Knowledge of modern HTML5/CSS3 and commonly used framework (jQuery, bootstrap, Angular, React …) Proven skills in PHP language Familiarity with cphalcon-php framework will be appreciated A solid understanding of web applications security, session management, and best development practices Adequate knowledge of relational database systems such as mariaDB Aggressive problem diagnosis and creative problem-solving skills Strong organizational skills to juggle multiple tasks constrained by timeline Ability to work in team collaboration in agile methodology

We have been delivering industry-leading solutions for the payments, financial and telecommunications industries since 1990. We are the preferred supplier of networking, integrated data and voice services to many leading organizations in the global payments and financial communities, as well as a provider of extensive telecommunications network solutions to service providers.

We are a privately held company with a healthy balance sheet, secure assets and a loyal customer base that includes some of the largest global blue-chip companies in the world. Many of the world’s leading companies continue to count on us as their primary provider of a range of networking and communication services, enabling them to expand regionally, nationally and globally. We provide services to customers in over 60 countries throughout the world.

We manage some of the largest real-time community networks in the world, enabling industry participants to simply and securely interact and transact with other businesses, to access the data and applications they need, over managed and secure communications platforms. Our existing footprint supports millions of connections and provide access to critical databases. Our network securely blends private and public networking to enable customers to utilize a single connection for "one-to-many" and "many-to-many"connections over a global platform.

Since our launch we have helped our customers and communities of interest, requiring secure and reliable communications solutions, to evolve from legacy to leading-edge technologies. Today the company provides a full range of services from dedicated connections to managed IP network solutions, providing local support and global reach to medium and large enterprises and service providers.

Application Instructions

Applicants are encouraged to submit an electronic resume when applying for our positions. Job postings are open until filled, unless otherwise specified.

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