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Contenu de l'offre LEAD WEB DEVELOPER chez Wesley/McBride

A Paris based Big Data software startup seeks a “hands-on” Lead Web Developer to manage and lead the User Interface (UI) team. I’m writing to see if you might have an interest, or know a qualified individual who might. (They are also hiring data scientists, researchers, and core developers.)

Our client has developed a cost-effective and highly accurate SaaS decision platform. This highly acclaimed solution is used by Fortune 1000 and other global companies in Europe, the Americas and Asia. This is a multi-billion dollar market with market expansion potential. The company has clear vision, experienced management and is well funded.

We seek an individual ideally with a Master’s Degree, 3+ years in web development/front-end design, plus management experience. We require a skilled and innovative problem solver capable of working in a startup “all hands on deck” environment. Strong interpersonal, communication and collaboration skills are also highly valued. You communicate clearly in English – French is a plus, though not required.

The Lead Web Developer will report directly to the CTO, lead and manage a team of developers, and be tasked with recruiting, training and mentoring new team members to assist you in the many exciting projects to be developed during the coming months and years.

You have a string of successful projects and your coding skills are way above average. You have an extensive knowledge of Javascript, HTML, and CSS and in depth experience with a front-end framework like Backbone.js, AngularJS, or React.

You will design, develop and maintain new features and develop new products in the all-important user interface. Your role will be crucial, from initial design meetings, through actual development, to deployment of the first and later production releases.

You know and use modern technologies to deliver a flawless front-end, with a combination of beautiful design, amazing data visualizations, fast response times, and a total lack of bugs.

You show leadership by being proactive and taking ownership of your work. You often come up with new ideas to solve complex problems, and know how to get others behind them.

You will keep our continuous delivery pipeline up to date, allowing changes to be deployed automatically to our users, after all build steps and tests have been run, using technologies such as grunt, MSBuild, TeamCity, and Octopus Deploy.

You are also able to take over and improve the server-side part of the interface (ASP.Net and SQL Server), making sure current features continue working at scale, new features are properly implemented, and the endpoints exposed through REST are clean, efficient, and secure.

Our client knows that an individual of this caliber will not consider a change unless offered better opportunity and compensation (including equity). They are prepared to be generous on both counts.

Please let me know if you have an interest or know someone who may. A CV, Bio or LinkedIn profile would be helpful. Be assured we respect the need for complete confidentiality.


Rob Aaron
Wesley/McBride – Global Technical Search
Tel: (+1) 831-247-2514

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