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Contenu de l'offre IT SPECIALIST chez ZILLI


ZILLI, a company on a human scale, market leader in the niche luxury menswear sector, is looking for an IT Specialist to work at our Head Office in Dardilly (Rhône) on a permanent contract.

Fluent in English, with a strong training in IT - BTS level minimum - and at least a 5 years experience. The knowledge of Italian language is a plus. The IT Specialist will be reporting to the IT Manager on a daily basis.



Responsible for the development, optimisation, and security of the group’s information systems (IT) in accordance with guidelines or projects approved by Executive Management
In charge of managing ERP (DIVALTO) and Business Intelligence
In charge of the installation, servicing and maintenance of computing equipment and peripherals (telephones…).
To be the preferred point of  contact for users by providing them with appropriate operational assistance and technical support  (hardware and software…).



Responsible for the development, optimisation, and security of information systems:


Identify needs:

Determine, in consultation with Executive Management, the key directions for strategic IT development.
Communicate with business users to understand their functional expectations and their level of satisfaction in relation to the current IT system.
Analyse the possibilities available under the existing system in terms of quantity and quality.
Monitor technological developments in order to identify new technical and functional opportunities available on the market.
Monitor the consistency of their business IT system with all other business IT systems and that of the group in general.
Anticipate users’ future needs, business developments, and plan changes to the business IT system in accordance with those new needs


Pilot and lead projects:

Prioritise developments for the business IT system by taking into account all of the group’s economic, technical and HR constraints.
Define all necessary means of communication when putting into place new business IT system projects: user training, support documents available to users...
Supervise the drafting phase of functional specifications and technical specifications.
Ensure compliance with technical specifications, notably in terms of quality, budget, and deadlines
Co-ordinate the work done by everyone involved with internal and/or external IT systems.
Select service providers and manage technical and operational relations.
Put into place and monitor performance and satisfaction dashboards for tools deployed or IT system developments carried out


Ensure IT security :

Monitor the regulatory compliance of the IT systems
Perform risk and risk prevention studies on the IT system and put forward proposals
Raise awareness, inform, and train users about security risks
Update documents and other media relating to IT security


Perform the installation, servicing and maintenance of all computing equipment and its peripherals:

Prepare and install hardware and software for each new member of staff.
Test the system put into place and make sure each element is compatible with the others.
Configure the base software selected and used by the company.
Update internal and external peripherals.
Install updates and ensure they are monitored.
Ensure proper management of access rights (licence, access codes …).
Monitor the proper functioning of hardware and computer equipment by ensuring its maintenance.
Secure computer equipment and data.
Analyse and detect system and network problems. Put forward proposals to resolve them.
Archive and back up data on desktop applications and internal servers.
Negotiate contracts, subscriptions, service provider servicing or maintenance agreements for computer equipment and its peripherals
Manage and update the allocation to staff members of computer hardware and its peripherals


Users’ preferred point of contact:

Respond to users’ requests and needs by providing them with technical support and assistance (hardware and software).
Advise and assist users with software (DIVALTO and MY REPORT) used in the company.
Write and update procedures for the use and operation of computer equipment.


Related missions:

Keep up to date with developments in technology and their application within the company.



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