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Data & AI Value Strategy Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Data & AI Value Strategy Manager chez Accenture

Data & AI Value Strategy Manager

Accenture is a global professional services company with leading capabilities in digital, cloud and security. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries, we offer Strategy and Consulting, Interactive, Technology and Operations services—all powered by the world’s largest network of Advanced Technology and Intelligent Operations centers. Our 624,000 people deliver on the promise of technology and human ingenuity every day, serving clients in more than 120 countries. We embrace the power of change to create value and shared success for our clients, people, shareholders, partners and communities. Visit us at

We Are:

Solutions.AI is Accenture's collection of AI solutions that are designed to unlock new efficiencies and growth, enable new ways of working, and facilitate game-changing innovation–3x faster than the typical product lifecycle. Built and delivered on the foundation of Accenture's unparalleled AI expertise, data services, IP and ecosystem partners, our scalable, modular solutions minimize time to market and maximize business impact. The next AI revolution will be built by people like you.  Visit us here to find out more about Solutions.AI

Accenture’s Global Responsible AI team works with leading organisations to ensure AI is designed, built and deployed in a manner that engenders trust and adheres to laws, regulations and ethical norms.

You are:

We are seeking experts who have a deep understanding of policy, standards and regulation of AI, and who can translate this into helping our clients establish their principles, policies, operating model, governance structures and controls for Responsible AI. The ideal candidate will enjoy the breadth and pace of working with clients from different sectors and will also have the capability to step back and help Accenture shape and influence the development of AI standards and policies.

The work:

Supporting the process of selling Responsible AI projects to prospective clients
Helping to shape and lead client projects for Responsible / Ethical AI with a focus on policy, standards and regulatory advisory, operating model, governance structures and controls
Act as subject matter expert for Responsible AI within a data science / data transformation team
Supporting client sales conversations and proposals
Delivering client projects relating to Responsible AI
Communicating and providing guidance to senior Accenture leadership and client teams

Assessing the latest developments in data and AI policy and standards
Creating and maintaining an overview of the key developments in AI regulation
Engaging with key stakeholders within the policy and regulatory space
Presenting and positioning Accenture’s point of view amongst clients and other key stakeholders

Here’s what you need:

Minimum of 5 years’ experience in data and AI regulation and policy/guidance development in any of these areas:
Experience in government/legislative development bodies, regulators, standards bodies, or multilateral collaborative groups
As a member of a corporate team focused on Responsible AI
As an academic focused not just on the theory but also on the practical application of Responsible AI

Minimum of 3 years relevant work experience using data science, machine learning, and business analytics to solve business problems

Egalité des chances face à l'emploi    
Toutes les décisions relatives à l’emploi doivent être prises sans considération d’âge, d'origine ethnique, de croyance, de couleur, de religion, de sexe, de nationalité, d’ascendance, de handicap, de statut de vétéran, d’orientation sexuelle, d’identité sexuelle ou d’expression, de données génétiques, d’état civil ou de citoyenneté ni aucune autre base protégée par la loi fédérale, étatique ou locale.        

Les candidats à un poste ne seront pas tenus de divulguer les dossiers de condamnation ou d'arrestation sous scellés ou effacés dans le cadre de leur processus d'embauche.    

Accenture s'est engagé à proposer des opportunités professionnelles aux anciens combattants et engagés militaires (hommes et femmes).


Location: Paris

Type: Full time

Cpf final 4

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Data & AI Value Strategy Manager
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