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Contenu de l'offre Product Marketing Manager chez Agricool

La Courneuve (93)

about our vision to reshape the food industry, and want to build a strong brand for the future of food through the products. You are a team player, you have strong communication skills and you have experience leading cross-functional teams to deliver products and projects on tight deadlines. You have a strong data-driven mindset and will excel yourself to increase our performances. You like new challenges and are focused on achieving ambitious targets. You have excellent project management, execution, and prioritizing skills You have the ability to think creatively, with vision. You are curious and passionate, and you are a strong sensitivity to build the brand image through products. You have a strong entrepreneurial spirit and love to shake certitudes. You thrive in an environment where you can take ownership and solve hard problems.


Place: 139 rue râteau 93120 La Courneuve Contract: CDI When? ASAP

Déroulement des entretiens

1 - Screening call 2 - Business Case 3 - Meeting w/ CMO and another Comex member 4 - Meeting w/ Marketing team

Découvrez l'équipe de Agricool


Product Marketing Manager

CDI Début : 30 novembre 2019 La Courneuve Télétravail ponctuel autorisé Bac +5 / Master > 2 ans

Cpf final 4

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Product Marketing Manager
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