Offres d'emplois Marketing & Communication

Growth Marketing Manager 12 Month Contract Continental Europe H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Growth Marketing Manager 12 Month Contract Continental Europe H/F chez apple

apple recherche …
Experience running Performance Marketing and Lifecycle Marketing programs ideally for an entertainment, music or a consumer subscription business.
Understanding of current performance marketing tools, strategies and trends, and BE able to lead coordinated digital marketing campaigns from concept to execution.
Ability to work well in fast-paced environments; meet tight deadlines; lead multiple projects and expectations; maintain a sharp focus while handling competing priorities; ability to work well under pressure.
Excellent communication skills with the ability to build strong ties to partners across multiple countries, both internally and externally.
Hands-on attitude and high attention to the detail.
In this role you will :
- Support Marketing operations for Apple Services to execute on the team's priorities, with a focus on implementing Apple Music Marketing programs.
- Work across all digital marketing channels including SEM, Social & Display advertising, Email, Push notifications, Affiliate and Partner programs.
- Collaborate with a broad range of teams, including international marketing, business managers, editors, operations, and creative teams to ensure campaigns are aligned with business objectives and delivered in time.
- Manage agency, vendor, and content partner relationships.
- Monitor results across campaigns, communicating digestible insights on a regular basis, and share findings to help the development of the marketing programs.
Cpf final 4

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Growth Marketing Manager 12 Month Contract Continental Europe H/F
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