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Outsourcing Category Manager F/H

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Contenu de l'offre Outsourcing Category Manager F/H chez BONDUELLE

Villeneuve-d'Ascq (59) Reporting to the Subcontracting & Partnership Category Manager , and being part of the european procurement team, develop & securize the category at regional level: market intelligence / drivers, strategy design and implementation including sustainability. Mission includes sourcing, projects co management with I&D, Budget guidance, Suppliers Relationship , contracts management & negociations (SRM), Market Risk Management (MRM), Cost-Out Value-in (COVI) initiatives , competitivity and network management.


Operational vision and

capacities in competitiveness

, innovation and sustainability to reach and develop procurement categories Strategy for the BUs/Region (Europe)

Understand needs, brands strategies and business priorities linked to his or her categories.

Be a leader in sharing and respect of best practices

, process & methods IN/OUT

Participate to suppliers validation/ Optimize suppliers portfolio according to projects pipes .

Negotiate contracts and supply agreements

(when relevant) & ensure implementation

Guaranty category performance:
risk management

, suppliers capacity, quality, Total Cost, security of supply, sustainability program...focused

on value added creation

Manage and enhance the overall

performance of Procurement through effective relationships

and communication with key stakeholders...respecting the Bonduelle’s Group Values


effective relationships with suppliers

(SRM): ensure fundamentals in place (Safety, Legal, Quality and Environmental compliance), support growth and innovation through collaboration, anticipating & managing suppliers risk to ensure business continuity and avoid potential crisis.

Be adaptable to different companies cultures and sizes

(small producers or groups)

Launch Request for Quotation (RFQ), manage tenders process in coordination with BUs.

Spread Cost-Out-Value-In

(COVI) initiatives in the procurement teams and



coming from outside to inside

Represent Procurement outside the company

Support and help P&L impact of prices

and predictability through Market Risk Management.

Develop a Business partner mindset with & for others internal actors
Profil recherché 3 to 5 years of experience – Industrial back ground or Knowledge- procurement experience welcome - negociation abilites needed- co-manufacturing/co-packing sensibility required – project management know how as a requested key

English & French mandatory – 50% Business Travel Time possible France and Europe
Entreprise Bonduelle, c'est avant tout un esprit d'entreprise, avec un objectif commun partagé par l'ensemble des collaborateurs du Groupe : être la référence mondiale du " bien vivre " par l'alimentation végétale.

Nous croyons que nous devons montrer la voie, offrir des solutions novatrices et pertinentes pour mieux nourrir les gens tout en respectant la planète et ainsi assurer le bien-être des générations futures.

Le Groupe, structuré autour de 4 technologies (frais, surgelé, cannes et traiteur), 3 canaux de distribution (Retail, Food Service et BtoB), favorise l'innovation et développe son activité à partir de 55 sites de production dans le monde.

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Outsourcing Category Manager F/H
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