Offres d'emplois Marketing & Communication

Marketing and Communication Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Marketing and Communication Manager chez Green Panda Games

75003 Paris 3e Temps plein, CDI

Green Panda Games

Green Panda Games is a vibrant and fast-growing mobile gaming start-up, part of the Ubisoft group. We are a leading mobile games publisher with more than 100 million users on iOS and Android playing our games in more than 150 countries!

We primarily create and publish idle games, but also games from diverse categories, ranging from casual (card game, puzzle) to hyper-casual (arcade, sport). We are looking to further grow our creation and publishing businesses at a rapid pace.

We are comprised of young, motivated and passionate individuals in high-performing teams, who share the aim to become the best mobile gaming publisher in the industry. We need your help to achieve this!


As Marketing and Communication Manager, you will drive efforts on two main fronts. Firstly to increase Green Panda Games’ exposure through various marketing and communication initiatives, and secondly to develop our communication and marketing activities with our network of developers in collaboration with our publishing team. Your main missions will be the following:

Planning and executive marketing and communication campaigns:

Develop B2B communications related to our activity through different channels and social networks; Run our social media strategy and develop our employer branding; Organize and monitor meetup events with partners; Create a narrative for PR in order to generate coverage about Green Panda Games.

Supporting the development of the publishing team:

Coordinate multiple marketing channels and create promotional information to drive business; Write and publish newsletters, tips, posts and case studies on various channels to drive awareness; Coordinate and craft new innovative ways to communicate with third-parties and test new marketing initiatives.


Native English speaker; A hyper-passionate and motivated person; Past experience in marketing and communication; Passionate about new technologies and ability to learn about them quickly; Outstanding verbal and written communication skills; Deep understanding of new marketing channels and communication on social media; Basic knowledge of the mobile gaming landscape.


Other languages;

Prior work experience in the mobile or gaming industry.

Job Types: Full-time, Permanent


Native English (Required)
Cpf final 4

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Marketing and Communication Manager
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