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Contenu de l'offre Marketing Manager, France chez Pinterest

Pinterest is a global company with over half of our 200 million users coming from international markets. We're looking for a Marketing Manager to join our Paris office focusing on our Pinterest brand, editorial, and social strategy.

What you’ll do:
Partner on scalable initiatives that increase awareness and comprehension of Pinterest in France and across expansion markets (Southern Europe and Benelux) Ensure consistency of brand messages across all channels and platforms Collaborate closely with our local PR manager on editorial/PR strategy Lead communication on social media and Pinterest channels What we’re looking for:
7+ years working experience in marketing and communications Deep understanding of brand marketing and experience across all levers (e.g. email, social media, events, etc.) Excellent presentation and communication skills in French and English Strong analytical and project management skills Highly motivated with a deep understanding and love of Pinterest
Cpf final 4

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Marketing Manager, France
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