Offres d'emplois Marketing & Communication

Junior Strategic Planner – Junior Planneur Stratégique

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Contenu de l'offre Junior Strategic Planner – Junior Planneur Stratégique chez Select World

Select World is an independent global branding and advertising agency specializing in beauty, premium and fashion brands, with more than 300 employees in 6 offices worldwide.

The Paris office is looking for a Junior Strategic Planner (Junior Planneur Strategique) with agency experience to join our team. The Junior Strategic Planner will report directly to the Planning Director and be expected to help to develop strategic ideas for various advertising and marketing initiatives for premium beauty brands across Europe. This role requires an individual who is truly able to work independently and involves working with colleagues in other offices including Hamburg, Geneva and New York. Excellent all-round English language skills are a must.

Required skills:

Research latest cultural and industry trends, uncover relevant insightsContribute meaningfully to idea generationTranslate client briefs into inspiring briefs for creative teamsWrite client presentations that tell an accurate strategic storyAble to work independently, motivated and timely in deliveriesFluency in EnglishTravel as neededDigital expertise is a major plus.

Please send a full resume and letter of motivation to Delphine Voituriez-Falcone

Job Type: Permanent

Cpf final 4

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Junior Strategic Planner – Junior Planneur Stratégique
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