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Contenu de l'offre Customer Service Manager chez Technical Hunters

Leading and managing up to 17 field technicians dislocated among the French territory Clients' side management Maintenance & after sales service Direct contact with the Product Unit and the related Global Support dept. Reporting activities Editing budget and forecast

Candidato ideale
Il/la candidato/a avrà i seguenti requisiti:

BS/MS degree in Engineering; Seniority greater than 5/7 years in related fields French residence or willinness to move to France is required Availability to travel within France; Trips at international level are limited and intented to internal project meetings (Division level) Excellent communication/ negotiation skills Self-control and ability to manage stressing environments Critical/analytical skills added to a trouble- shooting attitude are needed French and English are a must Italian languagge is considered as a plus
Cpf final 4

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Customer Service Manager
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