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Contenu de l'offre Office Manager chez Bentley Systems

Office Administrator


Paris, France


Full time Office Manager role, responsible for supporting the EMEA Facilities Manager


Receptionist task (phone, mails, visitors…) Office assistant (Supplies, furniture, facilities, health and safety, local administrative duties…) Local point of contact (colleagues assistance, assisting other departments…) Internal communication (assisting office leader/co-ordination of social events…)


Processing of telephone calls from all over the world Registration of arriving and departing guests Keeping the internal contact lists up to date Arranging the daily incoming/outgoing mail and couriers Assisting with travel questions Managing office supplies for offices in the country/region of responsibility (furniture, stationery, business cards, coffee, tea, etc) Acting as contact person for local vendors Assisting other departments (Facilities, HR, Finance, Legal) with local specifics Assisting with facilitating all tasks relating to local health and safety regulations Assisting with administrative process around visa applications Performing light administrative duties Assisting the office leader Being responsible for local archives, filing and clean up In co-ordination with EMEA Facilities Manager, obtain quotes and approves for facilities services. Oversee scheduling of work for such services In co-ordination with EMEA Facilities Manager ad-hoc assistance on other EMEA Projects


Fluency in French is mandatory A good level of English is mandatory and another European language is an advantage At least a year of experience in a customer service/administrative role Proficiency in MS Word, Outlook and Excel Good organizational skills and ability to work/interact with people from all over the world Ability to work with sensitive information Ability to work independently (Manager is remote) Accurate, reliable, team player Position is based in 2 Parisian offices (11eme and La Defense)

Desired Skills:

Computer skills and the ability to learn new applications on their own Experience in office administration and customer service Detail oriented Basic knowledge of logistics Ability to set measurable goals and meet deadlines

Specific soft skills:

Dependability, honesty, integrity Be willing to accept new unfamiliar tasks or projects Be able to figure out how to get tasks done, asking for help when needed Keep manager informed of progress Take FULL responsibility for successful completion Can always be counted on to complete assigned tasks with minimal follow up Someone who likes to be challenged

The Company:

Bentley Systems is a global leader in providing architects, engineers, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive software solutions for advancing the design, construction, and operations of infrastructure. Bentley users leverage information mobility across disciplines and throughout the infrastructure lifecycle to deliver better-performing projects and assets. Bentley solutions encompass MicroStation applications for information modeling, ProjectWise collaboration services to deliver integrated projects, and AssetWise operations services to achieve intelligent infrastructure – complemented by worldwide professional services and comprehensive managed services.

Founded in 1984, Bentley has more than 3,000 colleagues in over 50 countries, more than $600 million in annual revenues, and since 2008 has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

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