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Contenu de l'offre Receptionist chez Istituto Marangoni


Job summary

The role is focused in organising and warranting a high standard management of reception in the Paris Fashion School. The Reception will manage and sort incoming phone calls, welcome guests and perform daily administration tasks.

Key purpose of the role

1. Front Desk – To ensure the opening and closing of the school, maintaining security by following procedures. To welcome visitors, providing them with necessary information/orientation, monitoring logbook and coming in and coming out of the School; to monitor people’s behavior inside the building according to School policies.

2. Administration -. To deal with administrative requests such as managing the switchboard with incoming phone calls, take notes and forward messages to the relevant departments, providing, where possible, direct information; to manage transportation bookings for staff and, when required, visitors, registering all the information in the dedicated log file; to support students and staff with card printing and distributions; To provide support to the Facilities Operator to set up rooms for meetings and events

3. Delivery and shipments - To provide general support for shipments and deliveries which may include documents/material for academic and facilities purposes, transfer of material off-site for events and conferences, delivery of IT equipment for new hires; to deal with couriers’ arrangements, delays and potential issues; to prepare/archive labels, tracking documents, shipments’ logs and provide the related information to the department requesting/receiving parcels.


Answer and direct phone calls
Distribute mail
Act as first point of contact for visitors


High school diploma or relevant work experience
Ability to maintain a positive attitude
Excellent communication skills

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