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Project Management Officer (PMO) to the Group Executive Board

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Contenu de l'offre Project Management Officer (PMO) to the Group Executive Board chez Mazars

Project Management Officer (PMO) to the Group Executive Board


Mazars is an international firm operating in the field of audit and consulting services in 95+ countries with 30,000+ staff. With a steady double-digit growth over the last 70 years, Mazars has been able to remain the sole integrated player in the audit profession, serving large corporations as well as prominent mid-size clients worldwide. An influential challenger, Mazars differentiates itself through its unique organization and its innovative people strategy.

Project Management Officer (PMO) to the Group Executive Board

The General Secretary of the Group Executive Board (GEB) of Mazars is looking for a PMO in charge of preparing, presentations and projects of its bi-monthly calls or meetings. S/he is also involved in preparing the content for other leadership meetings led by the GEB such as the Regional forums with our 6 regions, the Global forums with our 99 countries and the all-Partners conference. S/he will take direct leadership on some high-level projects.

Finally, s/he will be involved in communication to the 1200 Partners (preparation of the material for 4 yearly calls on strategy and regular updates to the Partnerships from the GEB).

The GEB is looking for a well-organized, internationally-minded and business-oriented high-potential staff with 3 to 5 years’ professional experience. Reporting to the Group’s General Secretary, the ideal candidate will also work closely with the Personal Assistant of the CEO in day-to-day work, assisting and advising on a variety of assignments. This dynamic, business-focused and project-based role has a strong track record of accelerating the incumbent’s career in the firm and building valuable networks and relations.

This wide-ranging role covers, amongst others, the following key tasks

Helping to prepare the agendas of Group meetings;
A strong focus on preparing presentations for GEB meetings and other events;
Following-up on GEB meetings and calls with the General Secretary, including further analysis and coordination of projects;
Working on ad-hoc projects for the CEO, preparing for major events, strategic issues (political/regulatory issues, integration of new firms, …)
Liaising with Managing Partners, Service-line leaders, leaders of support teams, and many others as part of the above projects.

Desired skills and experience

About 3 to 5 years’ professional experience, ideally in a consulting or project management role in an international environment.
Native or bilingual English, both oral and written, French and other languages are a plus;
Excellent presentation (written and oral) as well as project management skills;
Real capacity to engage with people, create trustful relationships and demonstrate strong influencing skills;
Motivated to work in a truly international environment and using communication skills to build network and relations;
Client focused and service-oriented approach, anticipating needs;
Self-driven and able to work productively without continuous supervision;
Flexibility, resilience and availability, capable to deliver under pressure with short deadlines;

The role is ideally based in Paris but can also be performed from another major location in Europe.

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Project Management Officer (PMO) to the Group Executive Board
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