Offres d'emplois Social Media & RP

Associate Community Manager Intern Hutong School Shanghai (China)

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Contenu de l'offre Associate Community Manager Intern Hutong School Shanghai (China) chez Hutong School

Job Description

We are looking for an Associate Community Manager Intern to join our marketing team in Shanghai. Our team is young, international and passionate about youth traveling to China. As an Associate Community Manager Intern, you will be involved in our online and offline marketing projects and events management.


Support Community Manager in online and offline projects related to social media and events management.

Procurement: Obtain competitive quotes and negotiate with vendors.

Combine creative thinking with factual analysis to develop appropriate strategies.

Events marketing: Compile and edit engaging press releases that help promote events in different channels.

Content Creation: Write/design original content and marketing materials for our social media accounts and website.

Events Execution: Work in a support role during events.

Strategic Network Growth: Strike up conversations at networking events and on weekends to generate new leads.

Industry Trend Investigator: Keep your ear out on the ground and on social media for new trends and opportunities.

What we offer

Starting date: Late June 2018
Duration: Minimum 2-3 months, extension possible
Location: Shanghai, China

We ask

Baccalauréat required
Detail-oriented with the ability to learn and maintain new knowledge at a fast pace
Strong communication skills
Organized and able to handle multiple ongoing projects at once
Confident with a track record of leadership and logical decision making
Familiar with Microsoft Office and a good eye for basic design and/or video editing skills
Native English speaker or native-level command of written and spoken English
Proficiency or fluency in Mandarin is a plus
Ability to submit original writing samples prior to interview


Are you the perfect candidate? Click the button 'apply now' and we'll contact you as soon as possible!
Cpf final 4

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Associate Community Manager Intern Hutong School Shanghai (China)
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