Offres d'emplois Social Media & RP

Social Media Manager / Community Manager M/F

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Contenu de l'offre Social Media Manager / Community Manager M/F chez iObeya

Massy (91)

iObeya by KAP IT, an 8-year adventure that keeps strengthening and growing!
Our secret: a start-up mindset and 70 close-knit passionate individuals offering their best in an intensely collaborative and fulfilling environment that stimulates innovation.

Joining KAP IT provides an alternative and laid-back working environment where everyone takes part in our success as well as our work life. You will also dramatically improve your ping pong and foosball skills, and share the fun during regularly scheduled afterworks and weekend meetups.

With more than 200 customers and 250,000 daily users across 30+ countries, iObeya is revolutionizing enterprise collaboration. We strive to lead this Digital Visual Management revolution!

If you are a Community Manager / Social Media Manager ready to join our adventure and share our ambition, then we need to meet you!

Missions and responsibilities:

Setup and follow-up of communication plans including publishing schedule and all our marketing campaigns Creation of content, in total autonomy Publishing of content and moderation of the corporate accounts you are responsible for Media coverage of your content and media optimization Implementation of social media campaigns (LinkedIn / twitter) Monthly reporting and analysis of quantitative and qualitative KPIs to improve our performance Benchmarking, evaluation of the latest social / digital trends Responsible for online competitive intelligence: content production, distribution, artistic direction, etc.

This position is for you if:

You have at least 3 years of experience in communication / marketing / journalism acquired if possible in the IT or B2B sector You have excellent writing skills You combine strategic vision, rigor and creativity You speak English and French fluently You are a GNH (good, nice, hardworker!)

We’re looking to hire for this role immediately, based at KAP IT’s HQ in Massy, France (91300).

Please submit your resume and cover letter to

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Quoi de neuf dans l'univers de l'emploi marketing, relation client et digital ?

Après Instagram, le vlogs de Youtube vont-ils conquérir la planète mode ?

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L’été dernier, la top-modèle Naomi Campbell battait des records d’audience sur Internet avec une vidéo YouTube dans laquelle on la voyait...

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Facebook change le logo de son entreprise

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L’entreprise de Mark Zuckerg opte aujourd’hui pour un nouveau logo, signalant plus clairement l’appartenance de nombreuses applications...

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Social Media Manager / Community Manager M/F
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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