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Contenu de l'offre Community Manager chez Mainbot

Paris (75) CDD, CDI

Position Duties

As the Community Manager, you will be responsible to the editing the community content and the wordpress website : Create, Write, share article, infographics, Press release, monthly newsletter, release community movies. The job will also include the selling process of the workshops to the educatif partners. Ensuring that MainBot will be well represented and present in strategic parisian events. As well as collaborating to the elaboration and the co-execution of our communication plan with our community manager, mainly on social network and through mensual emailings. Reporting to the Communication Director, you will work with a team of animators and a community manager, as well as the entire team during brainstorms for instance.

Candidate Profile

Working closely on the content management strategy with our community manager
Organize our workshops through different type of educational institution online (or offline) to manage the community
Finding the right partners to ensure the best visibility for our workshops and MainBot
Organize workshops and Managing events to represent MainBot in various place, mainly in Paris
Taking photos, realise movies of the events and workshops challenging de community content.
Selling the workshops to the partners later on
Fluent English-French, with experience in those different areas : educationals-scientist partners contacts, expert content editorial, taste for investigation and communication strategy, confirmed photoshop, experience public relations

Cpf final 4

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Community Manager
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