Offres d'emplois Social Media & RP

Social Media Manager H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Social Media Manager H/F chez OVH

Ref OVHSMM CDI Paris Roubaix France

As a Social Media Manager, you are in charge of defining the Social Media strategy of OVH.

Your role?

Define and implement social media strategies for different products Identify and monitor influencers communities Work hand to hand with the PR managers to ensure perfect coordination of the company PR news with e-influencers. Collect and consolidate social media reports, providing learnings and optimizations. Inspire the local marketing team with learnings, trends & industry benchmarking Test and recommend new social media tools for monitoring / analytics / community management Evaluate and adapt the best practices from other markets to enhance team effectiveness, efficiency, and creativity Live event content creation together with the event team Engage reactively and proactively with customers, key-stakeholders and e-influencers through social media to build an allied network and develop advocacy. Map and keep on tracks key stakeholders and e-influencers database to enhance our e-reputation and drive clear ROIste strategy on the subject. Support Digital Sales team to define the social media and influencer strategies for the brands, the websites and specific corporate topics and to ensure perfect execution.

Your skills?

Extended knowledge of Social Media channels & associated tools Experience with community management Project management skills Excellent communication skills and ability to be a company voice online Team player Stakeholder management skills Basic knowledge of editing software (Photoshop) Good in sharing important learnings & insights in a comprehensive way (reporting) Ability to work in a fast-paced environment, take in complex ideas quickly and translate them into clear language

Your background?

Degree in communication or marketing At least 5 years of experience in Social Media or Digital Marketing
Cpf final 4

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Social Media Manager H/F
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