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Contenu de l'offre Community Manager chez Pentalog

La Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin (45) CDI

Pentalog is a global full-stack IT service platform designed to support digital and tech businesses throughout their product lifecycle: design, development, marketing, and funding. We apply Agile, Lean, and DevOps best practices to help you build up product value. What We Do We leverage 3 types of flexible engagement models to support all of your short and long-term objectives: outsourcing, recruitment and freelancing. We help you craft sustainable strategies that accelerate growth and drive performance. Our resources We rely on 25 years of world-wide experience in IT outsourcing, a global team of 1,000 full-time employed IT engineers + 50 consultants, and a talent pool of 300,000 profiles to set up your team and launch your project within 4 weeks.

Looking for a community manager, meaning someone who has (at least) the following four skills :

- Community oriented

= > understands that the quality of audience is more important than the number of followers

= > knows how to identify relevant people in order to grow a branded community

- Smart copyright

= > has curiosity and cultivates passion for general knowledge, loves exploring new topics

= > likes to play around with words, enjoys selling ideas

= > able to set up different storytelling approaches and tones of voice between social media platforms (Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter)

= > sees as a positive challenge to use the available content using many different angles

- Natural networker

= > monitors discussions and events related to relevant topics for our brands

= > able to jump into conversations and catch interest in our activities

= > always has something to contribute to online exchanges, sense of added value in discussions

- KPIs, always KPIs !

= > can set up a follow up dashboard of identified KPIs

= > fills and analyses content of the dashboard

= > detects insights and expresses recommendations on further development opportunities of the community management activity (need for content, thinks of specific animations to offer the community, can demonstrate ROI of actions taken/recommended)

A mandatory proficiency in French (especially written skills); 1-3 years of previous experience in content writing for the web (familiarity with digital tech/ IT vocabulary and terminology is a big plus); Great writing skills for marketing purposes, with an ability to adapt the discourse depending on the target audience; Availability for a full-time schedule.

Type d'emploi : CDI

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L’entreprise de Mark Zuckerg opte aujourd’hui pour un nouveau logo, signalant plus clairement l’appartenance de nombreuses applications...

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Community Manager
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1er Site de recherche d'emplois dédié aux professionnels du marketing de la communication et du digital, a pour objectif de vous offrir le meilleur outil de recherche pour vous accompagner, au mieux, dans votre démarche de recherche d'emploi

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