Offres d'emplois Social Media & RP

Global Social Media Manager

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Contenu de l'offre Global Social Media Manager chez Sidetrade

Global Social Media Manager


At Sidetrade, we support global businesses to secure and accelerate cashflow leveraging our AI-powered Order-to-Cash platform. Innovation, customer-centric, and efficiency are our pillars. There is nothing we want to do more than to celebrate our achievements with our fellow Sidetraders. People make Sidetrade unique!

Sidetrade is seeking an International Social Media Manager to join the Communication team. On a daily basis, you'll naturally be able to engage our audience (journalists, government, investors, clients, employees, stakeholders, employees) and write interesting posts. You’ll ensure Sidetrade’s influence on LinkedIn, Twitter, Medium, identify & animate B2B influencers and manage our e-reputation.

This position is acting as the voice of Sidetrade on LinkedIn, Twitter, Medium and involve managing all community communications on social media platforms. If you are a creative tech-savvy professional, experienced in PR, come & join us!

What You’ll Be Doing

Build media content calendar and campaigns (organic and paid) on LinkedIn, Twitter, Medium, Youtube, etc, in line with the brand and the communication plan
Create, edit & post engaging content daily, and grow our audience
Identify external social media (websites, blogs, social networks, ect.) in Sidetrade’s field in order to participate in the dialogue and moderate it
Develop and curate KOL (journalists, investors, analysts, partners, governments, clients, employees, etc.) ensuring positive e-reputation
Support Sidetrade’s teams to promote the company's news and activities
Support our sales & marketing teams across the globe to maximize their voice on social networks; provide training
Monitor KPI's and perform reporting

Experience required

Bachelor’s Degree, preferably in Marketing or Advertising; or equivalent work experience
Master’s degree in Brand, Media, Journalism, Public Relations, Marketing, Communications
5-7+ years agency or brand experience in the social media marketing field
Knowledge and understanding of paid vs. organic social media strategy (including content development)
Experience launching community initiatives (e.g. building an online forum, launching an employee advocacy program, influencers program)
Great copywriting skills
Critical thinker and problem-solving skills
Attention to detail and ability to multitask
Fluent in both French and English

We have a strict PSL in place and we will only accept applications from agencies that have been invited to work on this role through the Workable portal.

Candidate CV's not submitted through our Workable portal or submitted directly through to managers or HR will be considered unsolicited and no fee will be payable.

Job Summary


Department: Communication

Type: full time

Cpf final 4

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Global Social Media Manager
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