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Social Media Manager H/F

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Contenu de l'offre Social Media Manager H/F chez The Brand Nation

The Brand Nation, in partnership with 247 Laundry Service agency, is seeking a sharp writer, creative thinker and skilled communicator for the role of Social Media Manager to join our team in Paris. This role has tremendous growth potential for someone who is thoughtful about words and using them creatively to achieve results. If you find true satisfaction when you discover just the right turn of phrase to simply and elegantly explain a complicated idea, this position will be a perfect fit. Your day-to-day work will include developing content for social channels and communicating with partners and stakeholders about that content. You’ll create original posts and engage with the audience, manage social ad setup and optimization, and then share your findings with internal teams for reporting.

**Responsibilities : **

- Content creation of all social media assets

- Effectively manage content and communications for client social media communities on all FR handles

- Communicate with client on a daily basis

- Feed wider EU campaigns into FR plans following alignment meetings with wider EU account team

- Social media planning each week with evergreen and campaign content

- Directly engage with consumers on client channels like Facebook, Instagram and TikTok

- Support creatives, strategists, and account managers with content curation, distribution and engagement

- Web and Social Listening for trending content, conversations, topics, events and news

- Real-time Monitoring of social channels for: growth and engagement through strategic engagement and activation

- Report each month the performances and data of the FR handles

- Creative brainstorming and launch ideas with the French team (creative, account, design)

- Support media boosting on social channels

**Profile : **

- Fluent in French and English

- 3+ years of agency-side experience developing social media creative, editing copy, social community management and engaging with page visitors

- Knowledge of the music industry

- Extensive knowledge of social media best practices

- Flawless spelling and grammar

- Incomparable attention to detail

- The charm to build relationships

- Innate curiosity and creative spirit

- Commitment to excellence - working nonstandard hours when necessary, anticipating issues and communicating with diplomacy, identifying emerging platforms and trends to drive innovation

- Proficiency in Google Suite, Keynote, Slack, Box

Type d'emploi : Temps plein, CDI

Salaire : à partir de 1 852,00€ par mois

Avantages :

Participation au TransportTitre-restaurant

Horaires :

Travail en journée


Temporairement en raison du COVID-19

Précautions contre le COVID-19:

Processus de recrutement à distanceEntretiens virtuels
Cpf final 4

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Social Media Manager H/F
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